Aomine x reader (Love On Line)

Start from the beginning

"Yeah you need all the practice you could get. I bet I could beat you at your own game," you teased. In reality you don't know shit about basketball, or any sport for that matter

He saw your message and began typing

"It's okay if you beat me as long as you're all mine for the next round ; )," he said and a small blush made its way on your face.

'That perv!' you thought.

"Heeey, who are you texting huh? Y/N-kun got a boyfriend ~" your friend said and you hurriedly hid your phone. You didn't get a chance to send a reply until the end of the day.

"Lol," was your pathetic reply

There was a moment of pause but the usual three dots came up. For someone who has sports and study he sure has a lot of time

"It took you all day to come up with 'Lol'? You must have been crawling with butterflies that you couldn't reply"

"Wow, it's not my fault I ACTUALLY go to school and pay attention." You typed in

"Woah woah woah I'm just kidding, princess. We have a game tomorrow so our teachers allowed us to skip class. I'm not really worried though, not to brag but I'm actually the best,"

This guy sure has a lot of stories, you thought. You tried to be casual but him calling you princess gives a warm feeling in your stomach that spreads slowly to your whole body.

"You're really confident with your team huh? I bet a lot of girls would be cheering for you."

"What, are you jealous?" He replied

Your face heated up and you sent a hasty reply

"What? Of course not!"

"Don't worry, I'd rather hear you scream my name in bed rather than in court ;) " blushing is an understatement right now. Even your hands feel clammy and your knees were wobbly.

"You're such a pervert!"

"Hahaha I'm just kidding."

"Unless you want to ;)" he added


When you got home your heart's still racing and you hurriedly changed to your regular clothes.

"Hey did you got home safely?" He asked

"Yeah, what about you? Are you home?"

"Not yet. I stopped in this burger joint to have dinner. I'm so full my stomach's bulging"

"You're pregnant? Congrats!" You teased

"... Actually... It's yours," he fired back

"What??? But we can't afford another child!" You answered while laughing to yourself.

"Don't worry, they got my brains so that means none of them are going to college hahaha"

You laughed at his playful jab and saw he's typing another message

"But they all got my looks and talent so no need for education, really. They can just be a model or really good players"

"WOAAAH I GOT BLEW AWAY BY YOUR HUMBLENESS!" you answered sarcastically

"Say, I'm not really sure if I'm pregnant. Care to have another round just to be sure?"

"You and your hormones," you replied and shake your head

You chatted with him for days and nights and somehow your friendship grew. You knew a lot about him since he is very open to you and you can't help but open up to him too.

You learnt about his insecurities and stuff he's scared to talk about to other people. He's a good person but you noticed that he excels too much that one day he'll get tired of what he does.  For now he enjoys what he's doing but soon enough you know he'll ask for more.

"Hey," you said to him. He's been quiet today and it was unusual.

It took a few hours for him to respond

"Hey," he shot back

"Do you have practice?" You asked

"No" he said. So you're just ignoring me, you thought.

"Hey listen, we've been talking for a long time now. Can I ask what your name is?" He asked. That's the question you've been dreading this whole time. What if he learns who you are and decided he doesn't like you. You didn't want to lose this.

"Uhm... It's Y/N."

There was a pause and then,

"... Y/N. I like it. I think I have a crush on that name now haha"

You smiled to yourself thinking that maybe not all is doomed.

"Are you that single that you're having crush on a name now?" You and answered.

"What's your full name?" He asked

"What for?"

"I want to know you better. Maybe meet up. I'm not a 51-year-old guy I promise ;). My name is Daiki by the way"

"I don't know, I mean I like what we're doing now. Why change it right?" You answered hesitantly

"You're fine with this?"

"Yes, you're not?" You asked

"Yeah, see I don't want to get attached and realize it's only me. Im sorry. I really enjoyed talking to you. I thought it meant something to you. I guess I was wrong"

Your heart froze.

No. No. NO

You were attached, deeply. But you're scared. How could you not be. You were typing so fast to reply but suddenly...

l1ght left the chatroom

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