One More Sacrifice

Start from the beginning


Southern Guangxi

Entering his chamber, Ye Hua was surprised to find Su Su sitting on the bed waiting for him having assumed she would still be with Cheng Yu, and prepared to throw her out of their chamber the moment he entered, not only was Su Su waiting for him, but Er Li had already been fed and put to sleep.  Though going by how fast the boy was growing, Ye Hua decided there and then to give Su Su the honors of creating a nursery out of one of the spare rooms.

But it was the kitten in his arms that his mind was on.  If it could calm the anger and he could gain forgiveness in his part of their argument, then as his uncle had said, he would be good to go, whatever that meant because he wasn't planning on going anywhere.

Only the moment Su Su saw the kitten, then all remaining anger that she had, disappeared in a flash as she flew off the bed to rush at him.

"Ye Hua.  Is it for me?" she whisper squealed as her hands reached out to take it off him.

Laughing softly, he nodded as she took the furry bundle from his arms to pet the little kitten who was not looking all that happy to have left his arms, but too excited to have a pet Su Sus exuberance and joy shone through as she gently cuddled the kitten and reached up to kiss his face.

"I found her wondering about outside, and seeing as it doesn't seem to have an owner, then yes it is for you." he replied as she reached up to kiss him again while completely forgetting all about their argument.

In the kitten form, Su Jin stared hard at the Mortal woman while taking in Ye Huas reactions to her.  In all the years she had known him, not once had she ever heard him laugh, let alone smile the way he as at this woman.  Gone was the severe look of indifference, the stern and stoic demeanor and the stiffness she had only ever known.  This man in front of her was the one she had tried so hard to bring out, but the way he was looking at Su Su instantly had the jealousy rising.

Of course she could see how very beautiful Su Su was, but she was just a Mortal and a fugitive, one she needed to inform the Skylord about.  Only the way she was kissing Ye Hua so shamelessly had her kitten claws erupting and in seconds, she suddenly found herself on the floor having been dropped too quickly.

"It scratched me." Su Su gasped down at the kitten with a frown on her face and her hand being quickly taken up by Ye Hua.

Looking at the small scratch on her hand with a frown of his own, he quickly released a little energy to heal it.  It was a magic that always surprised Su Su and always left her feeling a little distant from her husband being unable to use a power she had apparently owned, but seeing the way he was now looking at the kitten as if he meant to hurt it, she quickly lowered herself to pick it up again.

"its no matter Ye Hua. It's probably just frightened." she cooed at the little face that was staring at Ye Hua with yearning in its eyes.

"I don't know Su Su.  The cat is feral.  It might be riddled with disease, maybe I should take it back outside." he suggested and not liking the way the cat was looking at him now that it was in Su Sus arms and he could get a good look at it.

In fact, the suggestion that she was a feral disease riddled cat was so insulting, that for a moment Su Jin almost flew at him, only Su Su had pulled her paws into her small body to stop her from scratching again.

"You'll do no such thing." she cooed down at the kitten that was now looking up at her and with a glare that Ye Hua thought looked suspiciously like triumph.

But seeing as Su Su had all but claimed the kitten as her own, he decided to let her keep it if it meant the peace was back and seeing how he had been the one to give it to her, he could hardly take it off her.

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