Chapter 3

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I toss and turn, I don't want to get up but I know I have to. I open my eyes one at a time, and look around my room. My clock reads 7:15, which is about when I need to get up for school. I walk across the hall to Caleb's room and bang on his door.

"Caleb!!! it's time to get up for school!!" No answer I continue banging on the door. When I finally give up I open the door and at full speed I run and jump on top of my brother in his bed, wrapped around in his covers tightly. I land on him and he starts squirming and flailing his arms, causing me to fall on the floor. I was laughing up until I fell causing Caleb to laugh harder and roll on to the floor. I throw a pillow at his face while he's still laughing he can barely breath. I walk back to my room with the vague sound of my brother, I go into my closet and grab my black skinny jeans, navy blue and gray plaid shirt, with a grey beanie and navy blue vans. I walk to my bathroom and take a hot shower, taking my time but swiftly hurrying so I won't be late. I hop out of the shower and change into my adorable outfit. I grab my bag and my phone along with my earphones, and head downstairs. Breakfast waiting for me at the table, as I look over at Caleb who is stuffing his face with eggs and bacon. As we finish we say goodbye to our mom as she wishes us good luck.

I still don't have a car yet, since my dad refused to let me have one. I start walking to school keeping my eye on my phone, which is playing some great music. I bop my head to the beats and laugh at the ridiculous lyrics of a ridiculous song. I'm walking silently when I ran into something. I look up slowly and those blue eyes look so familiar. Like I have seen them before but I shake the idea away.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry I should have been watching." I quickly grab my stuff from the floor, and try hard not to bother this person any more than I already have.

"Ya that would have been a good idea." The tall man around my age says this with obvious irritation in his voice as he rolls his eyes.

"Hey it was an accident you don't have to be a jerk about it." I was obviously frustrated with his attitude. He huffs a whatever as I walk off and start heading to school. I can't believe this guy was such a jerk when I really didn't mean to and apologized. I see the front of the school and head to the front office to grab my schedule and get going to first period.

"Hi I'm Tris Prior here to receive my schedule." The lady looks at me and smiles and I return it, at least she's nice.

"Ya we have your schedule right here. I can have someone that has all of their classes with you to give you a tour an help you out if you would like." I nod and she calls a classroom asking for a girl named Christina. I took a seat in one of the seats in the office waiting for my tour guide to appear. Someone barges through the door, a girl my age, olive skin dark hair and a little taller than me.

"Sorry Mrs. James my teacher had me finish taking notes. So what would you like me to do?" she seems preppy and nice, I actually wouldn't mind being friends with her.

"Christina I need you to give Tris a tour. She has all of her classes with you so that should be easy. Tris I wish you good luck." She waves goodbye and I nod at how nice she was. Christina literally pulls me out of the office, she seems eager to help me out. Or maybe she just didn't want to be in class.

" I'm Christina by the way. You can sit with my friends and I at lunch if you would like." She seems like she really wants me to come so I nod an laugh.

"Ok so Tris where are you from?" I look at her and realize that she is super pretty. Her almost hazel eyes and olive skin makes her look unique.

"Umm California. We moved here to get away from home." I look down knowing that I can't tell her the truth of why we left, I barely know her but in sure we will be close.

"Ooo fun!! You seem cool Tris, maybe we can hang out this weekend." I laugh because I've never really had a friend who wanted to hang out.

"Ya that would be great Christina." She giggles as she shows me around. By the time she shows me around the school and I seem familiar with the campus it's time for lunch. We walk into the doors and I can't wait to meet everyone. But I don't know if I spoke too soon.

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