Chapter 17

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I flung the door open in excitement, only wanting this day to start already. Once I fell upon Tobias and his amazing looks, all I could do was smile. He was wearing a nice and finely finished suit, his hair a little messy, and was accompanied by some pale orange roses. I completely took in his complete and full appearance. I hopped out of the door frame, wondering how all of this will go.

"You look beautiful Tris. And these are for you." I could already feel myself blushing as I took hold of the flowers and my other hand was engulfed in his. "You don't look too bad yourself Tobias." He smirked to himself as he led me to the car, and opened my door for me.

As we settled in, and he cranked the car to life, I felt a sudden nervousness upon myself.

"So where are we going Tobias?" I knew as soon as I asked that Tobias would reject my question because he was always into surprising me. He kept his eyes forward focusing on the road, but I could tell that he was urging himself to look at me. He simply smiled and chuckled to himself and I knew once again he wouldn't answer me.
"You know me very well, and I am not going to tell you where we are going." He slowly put his hand on my lower thigh right by my knee. I folded my arms across my chest and stuck my lip out hoping that would help my case. He looked at me and bursted out laughing at me and I joined him. I decided to give up on trying to convince him to tell me where we were going, I turned up the radio and flipped through the stations. Finally I found a song that I loved... "Don't Stop Believing" I started humming but the humming soon turned into singing, causing Tobias to chuckle once again and soon join me. We sang a few more songs until we arrived at what I was hoping our final destination. I looked at the huge lit up sign and squealed in excitement and I almost jumped right out of the car, but I forgot my seatbelt was still across my body. He laughed and unbuckled it for me and ran to the other side trying to beat me to opening the car door. He grabbed my hand and held it tight, almost making it seem like he thought I would run away.

"I thought this would be like old times, when we were little." He said this and I automatically went back to the time we were 6 and our families wanted to go play laser tag together. Tobias acted like he was my body guard and literally jumped in front of me multiple times to save me from the other team. We ended up beating the other team, and celebrating it with ice cream at this old ice cream parlor we would always go too.
"This is amazing Tobias, I haven't been laser tag since we went together." He looked down almost looking like he was wondering why I haven't been. And honestly I didn't think it would be as fun without Tobias.
"Me either Tris..." He looked at me and kissed my forehead before I dragged him to the entrance and went straight to the welcoming center.

Tobias talked to them man, his name tag reading Phil. As we finished making what sounded like an appointment we went and played in the arcade.

We played ski ball, which I won and Tobias chased me around the kiddie playground, getting us in trouble because we were over the weight and height limit. Soon our names were called and we literally ran to the station where we had to enter our names and put on all of our gear.

"Are you ready? Just like old times?" I looked at Tobias is almost hazel eyes looking right down at me and smiled when I answered in excitement. Our team consisted of a whole family of three, a mom, dad, and daughter that looked about 8. She was bouncing off the walls with excitement. When we were told to start Tobias and I kept close together. The place was dark with little blue and pink lights symbolizing the teams. Tobias stood in front of me as protection and laughed anytime I squealed when I heard a noise or I saw someone. We were a great team it almost felt unreal that I was spending all of this time with him.

The game soon ended and Tobias looked even hotter than before, he grabbed me by my vest as we were on an almost balcony looking figure and he pulled on my vest hard towards him. Kissing me with passion, I dropped my him in shock but also in admiration. Admiration for the moment. Admiration for Tobias. If it wasn't for us moving here I would have never seen Tobias again and I'm almost sure I would have been worse than before. As we finished our kiss we heard the instructor yelling for people to get out, Tobias looked at me and smiled before telling down saying we were coming. We laughed as we made our way down the stairs, as I saw on the clock it was only 9:30. We made our way out to the car and all Tobias said was " just like old times" which only made me laugh. It was only a 20 minute drive when we arrived at a place called Cherry On Top, an ice cream place that I have never been to before. I looked at him with pure excitement drawn on my face and we ran in.

I ordered a mint chocolate chip double scoop, and Tobias got cookie dough on a cone. We talked and laughed as people around us began to file in and out. An older lady approached us with a smile on her face as she stopped and stared between us.

"Can we help you?" Tobias asked in a sweet voice but seemed a little confused.

"You guys are absolutely adorable, you're a beautiful couple." I looked up from my ice cream and smiled at both Tobias and the elderly woman.

"Thank you ma'am" I answered back politely only wanting to talk to Tobias about what the woman had said.

As she left he kissed me once again, he smelled completely of cookie dough which caused me to smile in the kiss.

We left as soon as the shop ushered us out because they were closed. We made our way home and as we arrived I could hear Cristina in my house watching a comedy movie of some sort. I laughed to myself causing Tobias to laugh along with us. We made our way to my door and I could sense him watching me as I dug my keys from my purse.

"I had a great time tonight Tris. I can't wait to do it again." I then looked at him once more and I kissed him myself wanting to relive the whole night. I pulled away to see Cristina staring at us through the window, causing us all to laugh.

I said goodbye as we walked over to his house across the lawn. I slipped inside and regathered myself as Cristina immediately ambushed me with questions.

It's not too early to say I love him.

Is it?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2015 ⏰

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