You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 14

Start from the beginning

I exhaled and nodded slowly, “Yes.”

Kankurou blinked at us and slowly put down his puppet, signalling for me to go on and that this was a serious topic that was now coming to attention.

“Well.” I started. “When did your father start acting strange?” I questioned.

Temari stared at me, “What does that have to do with anything?” She knew that something wasn’t right, but she never said a word; of course she didn’t, she didn’t want to trouble us.

“He was acting strange?” Kankurou asked. “I never noticed.”

“Of course you didn’t, you were never as close to him as I was.” Temari snapped, then exhaled and nodded in apology to Kankurou.

I pursed my lips, “Well yes, I believe that he… isn’t your father.”


“…What the fuck are you talking about Yuzuki?” Kankurou growled.

“No… She may be right.” Temari muttered.

The room was in complete silence for a few seconds.

“She is correct.”

We all heard a voice and turned to see Baki and Gaara, well, more like Gaara unconscious, hung over Baki’s shoulder.

“What the fuck.” Kankurou swore again at the sight and at the same time at the topic.

Baki pulled up a chair and sat Gaara onto it, letting his red locks cover his face and tilt his head to the side, with his eyes shut.

“I found him about to try to kill the Uchiha.” He informed us.

“Oh.” Temari said simply.

“I have noticed it as well, Lord Kazekage is not the Kazekage we are meant to know. Do you know who it is Yuzuki?” Baki asked me, it looked like he knew who it was too, but didn’t want to give anything away.

I nodded. “The Snake Sannin, Orochimaru.” I said gravely, with my eyes narrowed.

I heard two sharp intakes of breath from Temari and Kankurou, while Baki nodded silently.

“Correct, how did you find out?” Our Sensei asked me.

I stared at the wall, “With some memories and help from his old teammate.”

Baki pulled up a chair and sat at the round table and rested his chin on his fist. “Interesting.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, “How did you find out?”

Baki glanced at me, seemingly insulted that I would accuse him of anything. “I heard Orochimaru and one of his informants talking inside the Kazekage’s office, I listened and I found out of the plan before he told us.”

Nodding, I glanced at Kankurou and Temari, who were silent and staring at the two of us.

“Where is father?” Temari asked in a shaky voice.

Baki and I exchanged glances, “I don’t know.” I told her. “I have no idea. I’m sorry.”

She quickly sniffed and blinked while looking at the ceiling. “Okay. Okay.” She repeated. “Okay.”

“So what do we do?” Kankurou asked, speaking for the first time after we told them that their father was nowhere to be found.

I tapped my fingers on the table. “I told the Hokage everything.”

Baki stood up and the chair crashed onto the ground, he slapped his hands on the table and clenched his teeth. “You did what?!”

I turned my head slowly to face him, and slowly stood up myself, leaning forward to stare him down for yelling while Gaara was passed out. “You will do well to keep your voice down.” I hissed at him. “Or should I silence you myself? Sensei.”

You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic/Gaara Love Story) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now