5th Chapter: Healing

Start from the beginning

"As your protector, your wellbeing is of great concern, to me. Simple acts like providing nutrients, are expected. I-I-I-I..." The beast's soft words didn't continue when his hand grazed the dazzled human's cheek. She could hear every tone-full breath he took, and it caused her to meet the Wraiths yellow eyes with a questioning stare. "I will prepare a bath." The Elder broke the unknown connection, before it fully formed.

"Still, thank you." Amelia whispered as the Wraith moved quickly a crossed the room. When her words seemed to halt the creature's footsteps, she turned to look at him. She thought it was odd, he didn't turn to face her in return.

"The connection you are seeking is mere, c-o-i-n-c-i-d-e-n-c-e. Nothing more." The beast never glanced in her direction. He merely continued to move forward, when he finished speaking plainly. Amelia let out a small sigh, when Wraith disappeared into the bathing chamber. The starving human turned her attention to the food tray, perhaps there was something else she could stomach here.

The wooden bowl contained something that resembled vegetable stew. Some of the contains looked almost familiar, so Amelia grabbed the wooden spoon and tried it. 'They have cooks too?' her mind remarked when she tasted the pleasing blend of spices. The portion was small, and Amelia couldn't help but finish it all, quickly.

The stuffed female glanced around the sparsely decorated room. The meal made her tired, that was a good sign, it was settling. The medicine the Wraith had used, made her flesh itch, endlessly. The impulse to scratch was almost impossible to resist. The strange substance crumbled and flaked off in her hand, when she touched it.


The Elder leaned against the inner wall of bathing chamber and hissed quietly. All he could smell, in that previous moment, was the female's alluring scent. It permeated his nostrils and he needed to make it stop. Isolating himself, while she was distracted, was the only logical option. There was a time, when he enjoyed sharing the bed of female, but those days had long since passed. The human's effect on his physical nature, remained unpredictable.

It did not take long before the Wraith found himself peering at the female from the shadowed distance. Something about her fragile form drew his inquisitive gaze. Her mind was a curiosity, he had yet to fully discover. 'The females mannerisms, however, were lacking in their skillful resolve.' The Wraith's mind hissed when he witnessed her digg aggressively, at her previously marred flesh.

"Digging will only increase the risk of infection. If you have finished, c-o-m-e, with me. There is an, e-a-s-i-e-r, way, to remove the irritation." The Elder stepped out of shadow's, so his calm demeanor could easily be witnessed by the reluctant female. "If you will allow me, to aid you, A-m-y?" Soothing tone's echoed throughout the chamber, drawing the human's reluctant eye.

The shy female knew, she didn't truly have a choice in the matter. If she refused the beast, there was no doubt, he would force her into the water. Amelia slowly got up and moved toward the Elder with a heavy sigh. The Wraiths next request was silent, when he motioned for the resistant female to enter the water-filled indentation in the floor.

Amelia thought it was convenient and polite, when the beast turned to move a crossed the room. He gave her just enough time to drop the sheer cloth shirt and slip unseen, into the water. She huddled foolishly against the edge of the pool with her head bowed between her arms. Or she might have noticed the Elder's subtle approach.

The indentation was deep enough to submerge her entire body in if she curdled up. The fragranced water was hot enough, to turn her skin red, without burning it. The cowering human stayed close to the pools edge, so only her arms and shoulders where exposed in her huddled and defensive position. The Wraith's subtle movement hardly disturbed the still waters. The fearful human released a starling gasp, when the beast appeared waist-deep in the water. He stood inches behind her and his flesh emitted a continuous soothing hum.

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