121: The Gates of the Past

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(On Top of the Stadium)

Dragon Emperor playfully moves his sabre in a circle a couple of times as Ash and Serena are about to engage him in battle.

"Together," Ash says to which Serena acknowledges with a nod.

Dragon Emperor coyly smiles as he observes the entire spectacle. Serena gives a battle cry as she charges at Dragon Emperor, only for him to parry the attack effortlessly. The very next moment Ash jumps over Serena hoping to catch Dragon Emperor by surprise. Dragon Emperor, who has seen through Ash's plan already, ducks and spins out of harm's way. Both Ash and Serena, with their sabres pointing towards to sky, cautiously advance as Dragon Emperor retreats with his sabre swaying left and right, almost as if it were taunting Ash and Serena.

Both Ash and Serena charge at once as the duel commences with Dragon Emperor alternating between his opponents. All the spectators, who're on the ground watch, as Dragon Emperor literally dances with Ash and Serena. His swift and precise blade work combined with uncanny instincts and manoeuvrability are more than a match for Ash and Serena's combined efforts. Dragon Emperor swipes his sabre at Ash's feet only for Ash to jump away. Seeing her opportunity Serena goes in for a hammer-like blow which is blocked by Dragon Emperor at the last second. Dragon Emperor then pushes forward, literally pushing Serena backwards through the air. Ash instantly strikes with his sabre causing Dragon Emperor do kneel back as the sabre passes bare centimetres from his face. Dragon Emperor immediately spins and then slashes his sabre at Ash's feet causing Ash to jump away. Dragon Emperor goes through with the attack and forces Serena to jump away to safety as well. Ash and Serena immediately attempt to go on the offensive once again. Dragon Emperor seems to block their attack but it turns out to be a double feint, allowing Dragon Emperor to kick Ash in the chest causing Ash to fly through the air.

"Ash!" Serena shouts as Ash lands on the precipe, kind of trying not to fall down to the stadium floor.

"I'm fine," Ash says as Serena uses her aura to help Ash find his balance.

"What the!" Serena shouts as she sees Dragon Emperor jump through the air and then slashes his sabre down at her.

Serena grunts as she's forced to suddenly spin to the right to avoid the Dragon Emperor's attack.

Ash gives out a cry of surprise as he loses Serena's support. All the spectators gasp as Ash's sabre hilt falls right in front of his face as he dangles from the precipice of stadium top with only his fingertips holding on. He looks up to see Serena defend herself against Dragon Emperor's assaults as she retreats with the Dragon Emperor coyly smiling as he bears down on her. Ash manages to pull himself up, summons his sabre into his hand, ignites it and then jumps through the air. Serena in the meanwhile is blocking, ducking and dodges the Dragon Emperor's attacks as she keeps backing away, buying Ash the time to join her and hope to turn the tables on their opponent.

Dragon Emperor, sensing that Ash has landed behind him, Dragon Emperor jump to his left and then turns around to face his opponents, Serena on the left and Ash on the right. Ash strikes first but Dragon Emperor rolls on the ground towards Ash as Ash's sabre passes over his body. Dragon Emperor then roughly grabs Ash's hand and then launches him through the air causing Ash to come to a tumbling stop. Serena then strikes Dragon Emperor but he dodges her attack and then kicks her in the stomach causing her to crash into the wall, leaving a crater-like imprint in the wall. Serena who's recovering from her crash suddenly sucks in her breath and ducks as the Dragon Emperor's sabre carves out a section of the wall right where her head was a few moments earlier.

Serena then ducks left and right as Dragon Emperor slashes left and right not giving Serena any time to focus. Ash who's recovered from his fall dangerously trails the Dragon Emperor, looking for an opportunity to capitalize on. Dragon Emperor lunges and Serena ducks in the nick of time as the sabre passes, mere millimetres, above her hair. She then spins and slashes at the Dragon Emperor's legs but the Dragon Emperor jumps in the air, turns around to face Ash and slashes at Ash's legs forcing Ash to check his advance and avoiding Serena's attack at the same time.

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