109: Five Stages of Grief

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<Author's Note Begins>

My exams are going on but I still had some free time so managed to squeeze in this chapter. I know you all have been waiting anxiously. Have fun. But don't forget to Comment.

<Author's Note Ends>

(In the Quiet Marriage Hall)

"Shush. Shush. It's. It's OK. It's OK." Grace says as she pulls Ash and Serena into a hug. She tries to stem the flow of tears from her eyes as Ash and Serena continue to sob into her chest. Delia softly pats Ash and Serena's back while wiping her own tears. Everyone is too stunned or mortified to say or do anything. Diantha, Cynthia and Looker are trying to revive Lance while the other people are trying to not to throw up on account of the dead bodies and the blood which is everywhere. Dragon Emperor is sitting on the chair with his head bowed and his hands having a fistful of his hair each.

"Dragon Emperor," Diantha says in a soft tone. Dragon Emperor, however, doesn't react to Diantha's call.

"Dragon Emperor," Diantha calls out in a louder tone. He still doesn't react.

Diantha takes a deep breath and then shouts "Dragon Emperor!"

"What?" Dragon Emperor snaps back as he sharply lifts his head. Diantha backs away as she sees angry rage burning in his eyes like smouldering coal embers. Dragon Emperor immediately softens his demeanour, takes in a breath of air and then looks back at Diantha.

"I'm sorry. That was uncalled for. It's just that the whole thing just got to me." Dragon Emperor says in a softer tone while internally reprimanding himself for losing his composure.

"Yes, what is it?" Dragon Emperor inquirers.

"Lance. Can you revive him? It seems our efforts have been in vain." Diantha says in a meek tone.

"I am not sure that's the best idea." Dragon Emperor answers back.

"Just do it," Cynthia says. Dragon Emperor looks at Cynthia with a passive manner but doesn't utter a word. A few moments later he raises his left palm and a blue light comes out of his palm for a few moments before it stops. Cynthia and Diantha breathe a sigh of relief when they see Lance stirring. He wakes up soon.

"My head," Lance says in a dizzy manner as he clutches his forehead.

"It's OK. You'll be fine." Diantha says. Suddenly Lance recalls something.

"Diantha, one of the servers. He was carrying a gun. We have to." Lance says in a panicked state.

"It's OK. It's OK. Everything's fine." Diantha says.

"Fine?" Lance asks in a confused tone.

"Well not fine but everyone is safe. To say the least." Cynthia says before she looks over Lance's shoulder. Lance turns around to see all the dead bodies lying in the pool of their blood.

"Are you OK?" Diantha asks. Lance doesn't reply. She's about to ask the question again when she gets the answer herself when she sees Lance throwing up.

"I told you reviving him was a bad idea." Dragon Emperor replies in an 'I told you so' tone as everyone sees Lance finally stop throwing up.

"How could. How could? How could you do this?" Burnet asks.

"Do what?" Dragon Emperor asks.

"Fight. Kill. That too so mercilessly." Lusamine asks.

"Mastery of sword is much more than mastery of mere technique. To defeat your opponent, you must think like them. Be like them. You must learn and adapt to fight in the ways they do. Only then can you achieve victory over them." Dragon Emperor replies.

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