119: A Titanic Negotiation

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(In the Battlefield)

"Dragon Emperor. The thorn in my sight," Giovanni says as all the Team Rocket members stand safely behind Giovanni's back.

"Prince of Darkness," Dragon Emperor acknowledges with a subtle hint of irritability in his voice.

"So you're here then. Come here to save your children, from the doom that was about to be their fate? How nice," Giovanni says, sarcasm reverberating in his voice.

"Look who's talking? The one who 'literally' came to rescue his children from their impending doom," Dragon Emperor says while indicating to Ariel and Calem, much to Ash and Serena's amusement.

While both individuals are quietly sizing each other up, all of Ash and Serena's friends silently but as soon as possible limp their way to safety behind Dragon Emperor's back.

"You have aged a day," Giovanni remarks.

"Neither have you," Dragon Emperor says through gritted teeth.

"Hahahahaha," Giovanni chuckles causing Dragon Emperor to raise his eyebrow.

"Alright, enough sweet talk. Take your apprentices and their mothers and go," Giovanni says in a threatening tone.

"You forget your place, Giovanni. Be mindful of whom you are speaking to and in which tone you speak," Dragon Emperor says while cracking his knuckles.

"Is that a threat?" Giovanni asks in his silky smooth yet devious voice.

"What about it? You and I both know that I am more powerful than you," Dragon Emperor remarks.

"Still, your threats are empty. You and I both know, you can't... kill... me," Giovanni says, pupils widening with glee.

"Bullshit," Serena snaps.

"Silence," Dragon Emperor says, instantly quelling the further words that about to pour from his apprentices' mouth.

"Yes, be silent. Little princess doll. The adults are talking here and when the adults talk the children should know to keep their mouths shut," Giovanni snarls before turning back to Dragon Emperor.

"It appears we seem to be at somewhat of a stalemate," Dragon Emperor remarks.

"An impasse you say? More like a shakedown to me," Giovanni remarks.

"Then let's play out the scenario in front of us, shall we?" Dragon Emperor says, only for Giovanni not to answer.

"Let's say we fight. You and I engage in a fierce duel, which you say shall end in a stalemate. Well, I am more than happy with a stalemate because while I might not be able to kill you, I would happily watch my apprentices cut down those weaklings you have hired as your grunts. I imagine watching you children beheaded in a duel would be quite the spectacle for you, won't it?" Dragon Emperor says as Giovanni very subtly fumes in silence.

"So? The question that arises will you make this move in this chess match of ours?" Dragon Emperor says as he takes a few small steps towards Giovanni.

All the Team Rocket grunts, who are behind Giovanni, back away a considerable number of steps, clearly afraid of the Dragon Emperor. Giovanni, however, doesn't even flinch much to everyone else's surprise.

"Chess, you say? This is not chess, this is poker. And I have the winning hand and you know it," Giovanni says.

"Poker, how so? Amuse me," Dragon Emperor says.

"You know I have the better hand and I am about to win," Giovanni replies.

"The way I see it, we both have some trumps up our sleeves and the river is yet to unfold," Dragon Emperor answers.

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