The fall of the tower

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Amber POV:
I woke up to see I was in a room I even saw that I was in some sort of chamber which was open. I got out of the chamber to look where I was. I walked to see some computers and it was connected to the machine to where the chamber I was in to see it was also connected. I saw a door so I walked towards it which opens to reveal a hallway. I walked thru the hallway which was very long and I reached to a elevator door which opens up and I walked in and saw some buttons so I pressed one and the door closes and it goes up. When the elevator reached to the floor that I pressed the button to I walked out to see a bigger room and saw a double door in front of me so I walked towards it. I open the door and saw a battle is going on and I see Ozpin was fighting the woman that attacked me and then she sees and she jumps back with a bow and fires a arrow at me I closed my eyes waiting for the hit but I didn't feel it. I opened my eyes and saw that the arrow was floating.
Ozpin POV:
I managed to grabbed the arrow with my magic that I haven't used in forever. "Are you ok and what and how are you doing up here?" I asked her "Yes and I woke up in a room in a chamber which was open when I woke up." She said as I tossed the arrow back which she dodged it and I went to fight her so she didn't have chance to attack and while I did this I opened my scroll and I saw that I had accidentally pressed the open button to the chamber. "Why did I add that function to my scroll." I muttered to myself as I continued to fight her. Then all of the sudden a Wyvern Grimm just flown by and hit the tower which sent debris to where we are. We each kept moving so we don't get hit by any debris as the dust cleared I saw that the monster was coming this way and I turned around to see the Grimm was getting up. I then checked to see if anyone was ok I saw that they were ok and I ran to them. "Is anyone hurt?" I Asked "Yeah, but what is going on, who is that and how did you do that was it your semblance?" Ruby asked me which I answered "Well, they are trying to get the powers of the Fall maiden which is the girl you see and her name is Amber Autumn and that power was magic which I have for a long time." I Said I saw that the monster and the Grimm were now fighting each other and I then added "And since I'm explaining stuff I will tell you that the monsters name is Godzilla and the reason I know that is that-." Before I could finished I was hit by a arrow I then fell to the ground. "Looks like I win." Cinder Said as I then heard a yell from Ruby and then her silver eyes start to glow and a bright light began to form.
Godzilla and the Grimm were fixing to ram into each other but then a bright light appeared as it grew blinding the two giants. The Grimm has turned to stone and Godzilla roared in pain due to the Grimm DNA that it had in it which it fired a beam at the Grimm killing it as continues to roar in pain which it's tail hits the rest of the building of Beacon as it retreats back to the ocean as it continues to roar in pain. Everyone was blinding by the light as it soon dies down with Ruby becoming unconscious from it as the bad guys recover from it which she sends her team to attack but Ozpin quickly uses his power of magic to teleport the students and the Fall Maiden away before the bad guys could attack. "Nooo! I was so close!" Cinder yelled "Well it seems that is going to be even more a problem." He Said as I notice the sky starts to shimmer a bit and stops I then notice a second moon was next to the old one which He realized what had happened and sighed "Today is just not my day." He said as Cinder fires another arrow at him and he falls down. "Looks like its back to square one." She said as Mercury was looking around and said "Uhh, where is Emerald?" Which Neo shrugged and Cinder Said "Must've been hit my Ozpin's magic." She Said "Are we going to find her?" Mercury Asked "No if she is with the enemy then she would have the chance to kill the Maiden real quickly judging by the condition they were in and if she doesn't then there's no point of looking for her. Now let's head back to Salem." She Said as the three of them left back to their boss.

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