Attack on Vale

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"Alright! We need to spread out with a team of two so that we can help people escape while the Atlas military handle the monster. We must also protect the citizens from the Grimm that will be attracted to all the negative emotions." Ruby said to her team "Ok me and Blake will handle the north side of Vale while you and Weiss will handle the south." Yang said "Sounds good." Weiss said as the gunship that we were on landed and we split up to do our objective.
The monster lands at the docks and starts walking causing destruction in its path. Atlesian gunships starts flying some dropping of Huntsman and huntresses while the rest started to attack the monster as it is walking which its tail knocks down a building causing it to fall atop a smaller building. Knights and soldiers are up at buildings that are further from the creature and using heavy weaponry. Nearby the wall of Vale was broken down bringing in Grimm into the city  streets which the huntsman and huntresses fighting the Grimm so that the civilians can escape on the gunships.
Ruby and Weiss were currently fending off a pack of beowolfs while a group of civilians were get on the gunship but some Grimm were just running by ignoring the people and heading to the monster. "Why are some of the Grimm just running by us and not attacking the people?" Weiss asked her partner "They might be drawn to the monster." She told her friend.
The Grimm starts to attack the monster but it doesn't have any affect which the dust rounds from the Atlas military aren't affecting it. The monster then crushes some some robots and Grimm that are in its way as it walks.
Yang was fighting a Ursa while Blake was fighting a pair of Griffon Grimm that tried to swipe at her but one was suddenly was hit by the Ursa that Yang had thrown which crushes the Griffon to death. "Thanks!" Blake said as she then uses her semblance to trick the Griffon as she jumps from behind and stabs it in the back of the head killing it. They then heard a roar to see two Ursa Majors heading there way. "Looks like its time for round two!" Yang said as they both ran to fight the Ursa's.
At one side of the river in Vale are guarded by paladins that are primed and ready to fire. "Alright! All of you are here because a giant monster is wrecking this city and we are the last line of defense of keeping the monster from entering the middle of the city which most of our gunships are at that are still picking up people so it is your duty to make sure it doesn't come across here. Do I make myself clear?!" A commanding officer said to his men "Sir, Yes, Sir!" They Said as they prepped for battle. The monster is walking towards the river where some gunships are trying to slow it down. The paladins wait till it is in its line of sight so that they can have a clear view of firing at the monster.
At the commercial district team CFVY where clearing out a horde of baby Deathstalkers which Coco was mowing then down with her Gatling gun while Yatsuhashi and fox were dealing the ones that are close by and Velvet was leading the people to the gunships. Then a bigger appeared coming towards them which Coco aimed her gun at it and starts firing which it still is going towards them. The deathstalker was now in front of her and was about to strike but Yatsuhashi had blocked it with his sword. He then deflects it which he then strikes it in the eyes. It then shrieks in pain as it stumbles back towards a building which Coco used this opportunity to fire at the building which she moves it so that debris would fall on it killing it. "Good job." She said to her teammate as they went back to the incoming baby deathstalkers that are on their way.
The paladins were firing at the monster that had been recently came into their sight of firing and it was proving to be a difficult challenge because it was shrugging it off like it was nothing. "Sir! It's not working!" A soldier yelled "Just keep trying!" The commander yelled as the monster had just It the river and the paladins were marching back hoping to slow it down, but then the monster sweeper its tail on the ground throwing the paladins away from it and continues its path.
At the east side of the city Mercury was fighting a Grimm raptor one vs one.

The raptor charges at him but he dodges and he then kicks it in the stomach which he then fired some dust rounds at the Grimm knocking it back

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The raptor charges at him but he dodges and he then kicks it in the stomach which he then fired some dust rounds at the Grimm knocking it back. It then gets up and tries to bite him but he jumps and and kicks it in the head and then firing a dust round in its head killing it. He then sees a bullhead land with the door opening revealing Emerald. "What?" He said "There have been a change of plans and we are going for the Fall Maiden now!" She Said. "Why now?" He asked her "Because the majority of everyone will be at Vale and General Ironwood is going to attack it by using and Airship so this is a chance that we are going to take." She Said to him "Alright, let's do this." He said as he got the Bullhead which flies to Beacon.
Team JNPR were fighting a king Tatijitu with Jaune and Pyrrha fighting one head and Ren and Nora fighting the other. Jaune and Pyrrha took a slash at one of the heads which it recoiled back and Nora had used her hammer on the Other head while Ren was slashing it from the middle and then fired it the head. It took them a while to take it down but they managed to. "Whew, That was close." Jaune Said "Well, don't look know but I see a pack of Beowolfs coming this way." Pyrrha said "Well then, Nora and Ren take the ones on the right and me and Pyrrha will handle the ones on the left." He said as they were fixing to fight as a airship flew by ready to do some heavy damage to the monster.
"Sir the monster has reached the center of the city." A solider said "And that's where we are going to kill it." Ironwood said and adds "Are we in position?" "Yes, sir we are in position." Another soldier said "Good, then let it have it." He said as the airship fires at the monster which it grunted in pain with blood spilling out. "Sir, the monster is confirmed bleeding!" The first soldier said "Good then it can bleed then hit it with our new dust cannon." Ironwood said "Dust cannon is charged and ready to fire." The soldier said "Then fire!" Ironwood yelled as the cannon starts to charge and fires. The blast had hit the creature with smoke surrounding it. "Direct hit." "Good job, hopefully that did the trick." Ironwood Said as the smoke starts to glow purple for some reason and then the smoke clears revealing the monster to be alive and it then roars.

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