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20 miles away from Atlas
"Greetings! Ladies and gentlemen." Said a man talking to camera in a lab. "My name is professor Seth Singleton and I like to thank you for this video conference today. Now I bet your wondering what exactly are you funding my research for?" He said as he pause a bit and continued "the research that you are funding us is a weapon that can kill Grimm without wasting so much resources on dust and lives." He then walks to a monitor as he picks up a remote. "Now what makes this different then any other project is that we are creating a creature that has been infused by Dust, aura, and with Grimm DNA." He then changes the screen to show the words "what does the creature will look like?" "Now you are wondering about what will it look like? Well, we had to find a perfect candidate to make the right creature and we found one at mistral at the end of the peninsula next to this mountain side that looks like it was cut in half. And we found a fossil of a creature that is the perfect choice." He then changes the screen to show a picture of the complete skeleton and size.

"As you can see it is bigger then the Grimm we have shown here which I bet gives you the big picture of why we chose it

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"As you can see it is bigger then the Grimm we have shown here which I bet gives you the big picture of why we chose it. Of course we had to extract some DNA from the bones of this creature so that it would have a structure for it move and what we want it to be like. Most likely it would look a bit different then the image on the screen but it would look similar to what it looks like." He then walks to a container which holds a small creature inside floating in some strange liquid. "Now here is how the project is going. Now I bet your wondering why does it look small? Well it's because it's a prototype so we made it small so we don't have to worry about it attacking us and we couldn't contain it and we made it small so we can test for a way to control it so we can make it where it doesn't go out and attack and human or Faunus. But right now we still haven't made a working creature that won't attack us and only attack Grimm so we hope you can keep funding this research so we can make this creature a reality and with that I bid you all a good day." He said a the red light turned off and he walks away not noticing that the creature had open its eye.

" He said a the red light turned off and he walks away not noticing that the creature had open its eye

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