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"Woah," was all I said. We had arrived, and I saw the beach. Colby parked the car on the pier and we got out of it.

"Just in time," Colby replied. "The sun is setting."

He took my hand and gently pulled me towards the stairs that led to the beach. How is it that this place is still so summer-y in December?

"You should take of your shoes for this."

I did as told, holding my shoes in one hand and my jacket in the other. We continued walking, until I felt the cold water touch my toes.

"I am literally standing in the Pacific Ocean," I said, releasing a breath I wasn't aware I was holding in.

"Sure are."

We stood there in silence for a couple minutes, watching as the sun disappeared behind the horizon. By now, I had pulled on my jacket, as it became a tiny bit chilly.

"That was amazing," I spoke up, the sun all gone, the air still a tiny bit pink.

"Come on," Colby said, making me turn around.

"Wow," I said as I saw the pier. I was so caught up in the sunset, I hadn't noticed all of the lights from the pier.

"Fun fact," Colby said. "Last year I came here with Sam, Corey, our friend Elton, a fan that had won Elton's contest and her mom. We were parked on the pier and suddenly, there were cops everywhere and they blocked off the entire pier because of a bomb threat. At the end of the evening we were allowed to go back, only to find out Elton had us parked right next to the car that held the threat. The windows were knocked out and it was completely gutted."

"Jesus," I chuckled. "What are the odds."

"It was crazy," he replied, laughing. We reached the stairs and put our shoes back on. Colby guided me to a place called 'Pacific Pier Pizza'. "Hope you're hungry."

"Starving," I joked, and got in line with him. It didn't take long for us to reach the front, as there wasn't an awful lot of people on the pier.

"Hi, may I take your order?" the cashier smiled.

"What do you want?" Colby asked me.

"Pepperoni, please," I told the cashier. "And a bottle of water."

"Make that two pepperonis, and a..." Colby thought for a second. "Just a coke."

"That makes 22 dollars, please," the cashier said. Overpriced much.

Colby paid for everything and we headed to the line where we had to wait for the food. "Thank you for the pizza, Colbs. I'm paying next time," I spoke, looking up at Colby who was standing next to me.

He chuckled. "I'll treat you if I want to do so."

"Is that so? You have yet to discover my stubborn side," I chuckled back.

"You don't get to decline," he winked at me. He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me a little closer. I swear my stomach was doing flips.

When our food was ready, we picked it up and sat down at one of the available tables.

"So, how are you liking Los Angeles so far?" Colby asked.

I smiled. "It's been really nice and-"

"Hey, are you Colby Brock? Oh my God, it is him!" a girl interrupted me squealing. She was with a group of friends, they all seemed about 16 years old.

Colby looked at me apologetically, I smiled at him.

"Hey guys," he smiled. "How are you?"

"Great, now that I see you here! Can we take a picture?" she asked him.

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