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The food was actually really good. I had a Chipotle barbecue chicken sandwich and it was the best thing I had eaten in a month.

"I ate too much," Jake whined.

"But it's so good," Brennen said as he leaned back into his chair, he put his elbow on my shoulder, as I was seated next to him. "What'd you think, Ellie?"

"It was amazing," I replied laughing, and pushed Brennen's arm off me. "But I am not an armrest."

He ruffled my hair and I glared at him, then Colby stood up from his chair in front of Brennen. "We should get going, it's getting pretty late."

Everyone nodded and we did what we had to do, then left the restaurant and returned to the house, while Brennen drove home to his dog. We had unanimously decided we were too tired to really do anything else, especially since most of us got up early, so everyone went upstairs. I took some pajama shorts and a top out of my bag, as well as my toiletry bag. Colby pointed me to the bathroom that he shared with Sam. I changed and brushed my teeth, took my make-up off and went back to Colby's room where I put my clothes into my laundry bag.

"We'll figure out a place for your clothes tomorrow," Colby spoke up softly. He stood there in his boxers and a black shirt. "I think you'll agree if I say I'm too tired for that right now."

"Definitely," I laughed and crawled into the bed that Kat and Devyn had made for me. It was just a couch but to be fair, Kat hadn't lied when she said they made it extra comfortable. "Wow, Kat and Devyn really put work into this."

"If it ever gets uncomfortable, you're welcome to join me, though," Colby yawned.

"That's sweet of you," I thanked him and closed my eyes as he switched off the light.

"It's nothing, really. Goodnight, Ellie," he said as he crawled into his bed.

"Goodnight, Colby," I replied.

It wasn't a good night, though. I had an episode of sleep paralysis, which I hadn't had in ages. There was a scary figure, a woman with long hair, standing at the edge of the couch, by the door, and I couldn't move nor breathe very well. She creeped over to me and it scared the living crap out of me. So by the time I was fully out of it, Colby was standing next to me with his phone flashlight, looking panicked.

I gasped and sat up, as he sat down on the edge of my bed. He sighed in relief and hugged me. "God, that was frightening, what happened?"

"Sleep paralysis," I replied, still slightly out of breath. "I haven't had it in years though."

"At first I thought you were just, like, softly screaming in your sleep," he spoke and pulled back to look at me. "But your eyes were wide open when I looked at you."

"Sorry for scaring you, I probably should've mentioned the possibility of it happening."

"I'm glad you're okay though," he sighed.

"It was really creepy," I said. "There was woman and she was frightening."

Colby stood up and got back in his bed. "Come on," he said, as he held open the sheets. "I'll keep you safe."

I just sat there as my heart melted away. I mean, I really wanted to though, I was scared out of my mind. "Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, it would really make me feel better too as I kind of feel bad for having you sleep in that crappy looking bed," he snickered.

"It's really not that bad," I laughed. "But I'm definitely getting nightmares from this so I'l gladly join you."

And that's what I did. I crawled in with him and watched as he put his phone away. I got comfortable and breathed in - his scent easing my nerves almost instantly. He put an arm over my waist and pulled me closer, as he sleepily whispered into my ear. "I'll keep you safe."

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