Kyle would be there, Claire would be there and they would want to talk to me. Knowing me, I'd break down in front of Kyle because I knew it wasn't his fault. None of this is. He's as much a victim as I am.

But Claire, I don't even know what I'd do in front of her. She was supposed to be my guardian but mostly my best friend. Or was all that a lie too?

I shook my head, in attempts to shake away the thoughts brewing inside and got dressed. As if on cue, my stomach rumbled, clearly telling me that it was time for food.

Come to think about it, I had eaten since yesterday. I sighed at the thought of my pathetic life and headed downstairs after strapping on my converse.

You ever get that feeling where doing one simple thing, such as opening a door could bring so much into your life and you just have to take really feel breaths for it? That's what it took to open the door. I had to brace myself.

With lots and lots of deep breaths.

I poked my head outside after opening the door. I sighed in content when I didn't find anyone on the hall.

I gingerly slipped out of my room, and closed the door with ease. As soon as I turned around, Kyle was there. I froze in my spot and just stared at him. His eyes were also on me but I could see the sadness they held. I was breaking down on the inside from seeing my brother so solemn and hurt.

I was on the bridge of crying and I wanted so badly to run into his embrace, so he can hug me and tell me that everything would be alright, just like he used to, but I couldn't. I snapped myself out of the reverie, by breaking eye contact with him. I looked to the ground and then his footsteps neared me.

I shut my eyes tightly and pursed my lips, almost digging my teeth into them and prayed that he was just going to walk past me but his footsteps came to a halt and I could feel his body heat from how close he was standing. I didn't look up though. I couldn't.

"What's going on Alva?" His voice was laced with concern and pain as he spoke and if my eyes weren't shut, I'd be crying by now.

When I didn't open my eyes to look at him or say anything in response, he gripped my shoulder and tilted my chin to his direction, I suppose.

"Why do you look scared of me?" He whispered. I could honestly feel the pain behind his voice and it hurt so so much to be the reason why he was like this. Even though my eyes were closed, tears sprang up and I had to open them.

With teary eyes, I looked at my brother. I tightened my lips to keep them from quivering. I just wanted to hug him and so I did.

He wrapped his arms around me and I cried out on his chest. He ran his hand over my hair, whispering to me that everything would be okay and that he was here for me no matter what happens.

I willed myself to calm down and stop with the waterworks especially since this was not how I expected my morning to turn out.

I pulled away from him and wiped my tears, feeling lighter.

I could feel his eyes on me but I didn't bother looking back at him. I kept drying off my tears till I was sure that it wouldn't be noticeable that I cried. I didn't want anyone knowing I cried.

"Is this about last night? Is that why you're upset and ignoring everyone?"

I didn't answer his question.

"It doesn't make any sense Alva. You could have talked to mom." I suddenly felt offended. Was he starting to reprimand me for justly getting upset at what he and mother did to me?

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