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It's the second half of our journey already. We made a stop at the same motel from when we were first going to the pack house and we left as soon as dawn rolled in. Logan took the wheels from Kyle while Jacob remained with Claire and I at the back seat. The drive was silent and everyone looked extremely exhausted.

My eyes were half open as I looked at around. I had my head leaning on Jacob's shoulder, my hand in his hand. Kyle folded himself on the passenger seat, his head resting against the window and a blanket covering him. He was fast asleep. Jacob had his head resting against the window as well, his eyes closed. I smiled, looking at him as he slept. He looked so peaceful. Claire, she had her head resting on my shoulder, our hands intertwined. She also was fast asleep. I wasn't asleep but I did feel tired. Very tired.

Exactly why I hate road trips. They leave you tired and lacking sleep.

I lift my head off Jake's shoulder a little and look at Logan through the rear view mirror. His eyes were so focused on the road and I took the time to really look at him. He had this boyish look with his dirty blonde falling over his eyes in bangs. He looked like the type that never said much but could definitely throw a knockout punch.

I smiled a little and suddenly his eyes met mine the the mirror. My eyes widened in surprise and he smirked before diverting his eyes back to the road.

He really just smirked. I blinked, my droopy eyes setting in again.

"How come you're not asleep?" Took me about five seconds to realise that Logan just asked me a question.

When I looked up to answer, he was already looking at me.

"I'm not sleepy." I said in a whisper.

"You look like crap." He smiled a little.

"Gee, thanks." I narrow my eyes at him.

He laughed. "No, for real. You look like you could faint if you don't get sleep." He rummaged around the compartment, making Kyle grumble something, then pulled out a bottle water. He threw it back at me and I had to catch it before it hit Claire.

"Could you throw that any harder?" I whisper-yell.

"Sorry. Did she wake up?"

"No, thank God for that. She hates being woken up." I open the bottle and chug down the water feeling myself come alive again.

I leaned back against the seat, drinking the water half way and sighed.

"How much longer until we get there?"

"Just about 45 minutes or an hour."

I groaned and leaned my head back. I felt Jacob begin to move around beside me and looked at him. His head was up as he used the back of his hand to rub his sleepy eyes back to life.

He gazed around, looking confused for a split second before his eyes settled on me, making me smile.

"Rise and shine." I beamed at him even though I was far from being gleeful.

He smiled back, "Good morning to you too." His voice came out hoarse making me smile more.

"Uh, it's noon." Logan spoke from the front.

"Whatever." He shrugged and leaned his head on the window, pulling me close to him. I smiled at his gesture and snuggled beside him.

After a few minutes more driving, our finally house came into view and I couldn't have felt more happy and at peace.

Beaming from where I sat, I turned to Claire, "We're home Claire. It looks just the same."

I could almost cry right now. Just seeing my house made me so happy. Logan drove through the drive way and parked right in front. All doors opened and everyone got down. Kyle stretched himself and yawned really loudly.

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