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It was barely the break of dawn when loud knocking sounds came from the door. I squirmed in my bed, tossing and turning from how annoying the knocking was.

Who in the world decides, so early in the morning, to come knocking so loudly on someone else's door.

Does it not occur to some people that others might be sleeping?

I grabbed my pillow and pulled it over my head just to block out the knocking. Kiara's mumbling noises reached my ears.

"Alva? The door." She whined, her voice hoarse from sleep. I painted a mental picture of exactly how she'd look in my head, her eyes closed, her legs pointed at different directions and her face all scrunched up.

I didn't bother to moved though. I groaned in return, letting her know that I don't plan on standing up.

My sleep was important to me.

The knocking came again but this time, the person called Kiara's name.

"I need you to open the door Kiara." The voice sounded like Keith.

Why is he here so early and looking for Kiara.

I stayed still on my bed as I heard Kiara muttering cuss words and trashing in her bed. I think she finally got up and answered the door.

"What is it? Why are you here so early?" She whined with the door ajar. I could hear everything they were saying.

"It's Kia."

"What?" Her voice was filled with fright. "What's wrong with him?"

"You need to come with me."

"Okay. I'll just grab my phone." I didn't hear the door shut but I did hear her scrambling around for her phone.

"Okay lets go." She rushed after a few seconds passed. I was sure she didn't bother to change out of her PJ's and I wondered what was so urgent I wondered what was wrong with him and I knew I had a huge part to play in whatever it was.

Once I heard the door close, I opened my eyes and sat up on my bed, looking out the window.

I scrunched my brows, feeling confused. I remember falling asleep by the window seat last night, so how did I get on my bed?

I pushed off the duvet and got out of bed, going close to the window seat. I could see front yard of the house so I watched as Keith and Kiara hurriedly zoomed away.

My heart was pounding in my chest. I was worried about him. I had no idea that rejecting a mate could cause so much pain. I thought we wouldn't have to be together if I reject him. If I told him I didn't want a mate.

If only I knew what it would cause, I wouldn't have rejected him.

Or would I?

My sight got blurry as tears swelled in them, falling on my cheek without a blink.

What did you do Alva?

I sat by the window, lost in my own thoughts and sadness. I didn't bother to freshen up mostly because I intended to not leave my room.

Everything outside that door only causes me pain and heartache. It feels like a year has passed but we've only been here for a month.

I sat in despair, thinking of what I'd done to Kai and how I could make it better.

A/N: For this chapter only, there will be a switch of POV's and Kiara will have a POV in first person only for this chapter.


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