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“Are you sure you want to do this?” I ask as the black Escalade pulls up to the site.

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I?” the brunette boy beside me asks, an easy grin on his face.

“Well its just…Everyone’s going to recognize you. Aren’t you afraid of getting mobbed?” I ask looking out the window at the huge crowds already forming around the stages.

“That’s what Preston is here for” he says with a grin reaching up and patting the driver on the shoulder. “It can’t be better than Leeds,” he teases “but it will be fun. I promise.” I nod my head before finally getting out of the car, absentmindedly playing with the VIP lanyard around my neck. Talk about go big or go home. He had gotten us VIP passes to the Big Day Out. There’d be tons of paparazzi and fans around. It made me nervous that so many people would know about our first date, but at the same time, the fact that he wasn’t trying to hide it was charming. He climbs out of the car after me, quickly taking my hand and leading me through the entrance. We head to one of the less crowded stages and take a seat on the grass. A smile crosses my face and I flop back, stretching out in the sun. Louis chuckles before laying back next to me, looking up at the sky.

“Look! A bunny” I say happily, pointing up at a cloud. Louis lets out a laugh, shaking his head.

“That’s not a bunny, it’s a peace sign,” he says holding up the peace sign, closing an eye as he compares the two. I shake my head, sticking out my tongue at him, when two people walk by with ice cream cones. My eyes grow wide and I subconsciously lick my lips as I watch them past. Louis notices and chuckles before standing up.  “C’mon, I saw an ice cream stand a few yards away” he says offering me a hand up. A smile splits my face and I take his hand leaping up. Preston lets out a sigh and starts getting up also but Louis motions for him to sit back down. “It’s right over there” he says pointing to a vendor a little ways away. “You’ll be able to see us, don’t worry we’ll be fine” he says. Preston hesitates for a moment before nodding and settling back down. Satisfied, Louis takes my hand again and we walk over.

“What can I getcha?” the vendor asks. My eyes quickly skim the list until I hit on the jackpot.

“Cookies and Cream!” I say excitedly. Louis chuckles.

“I’ll have Cookie Dough,” he says. The ice cream vendor nods before starting to make our cones. I bounce on my toes excitedly while we wait, grinning up at Louis when I see him watching me amused out of the corner of my eye.

“Here ya go” the vendor says handing us the cones. I take mine with a smile and take a lick. As we start to leave a couple of girls nearby recognize Louis. Their eyes widen and they hurry over.

“Oh my god. You’re Louis Tomlinson” they breathe. “Can we get a picture?” Louis casts a look over at Preston who was watching us carefully, before he looks at me. I shrug slightly, giving him the go ahead if he wanted to. He hesitates once more, looking around us to see if others had recognized and if we’d be swarmed if we waited here for pictures before finally giving a nod. “Just one quick picture” he agrees reluctantly. Their faces brighten and one of the girls hurriedly pulls a camera out of her purse. I offer to take the picture so they could all fit and she nods, her smile growing as they all step next to Louis. I snap the picture, handing her back the camera as she gushes her thanks to Louis. He nods before taking my hand again, leading me quickly away.

“It’s ok Pres” Louis says to Preston who looks unsettled as we sit back down near him. I continue eating my ice cream until I feel something cold press against my cheek. “Boop” Louis says simultaneously and I jump, my hand flying to my cheek feeling the wetness there. I pull it back seeing ice cream on my fingers. I laugh looking at Louis who had assumed an innocent expression.

“You didn’t” I say with a laugh. His eyes go wide as I reach over to get ice cream on his face and he grabs my wrist before I can. After wrestling for a few seconds as I try to get my cone close enough to his face, his ice cream slips off the cone.

“No!” he shrieks dramatically. I let out a laugh and lick my own cone, figuring that was good enough revenge. “Now you’ll just have to share,” he says with a smirk. I grin, offering him my cone making sure, when he takes a lick, I get it on his face. He lets out a laugh, wiping the ice cream off his nose, this time taking the ice cream from my hand before taking a lick. Between the two of us we quickly finish off the cone. I lean back on my elbows, rocking side to side as I listened to the music. Impulsively, I stand up and start dancing in place. I look down at Louis who is chuckling, looking at me with an amused expression.

“C’mon it’s fun” I say with a grin, grabbing his hands and trying to pull him up.

“But I can’t dance” he groans but he lets me pull him up anyways. He interlaces our fingers as we dance stupidly to the music. He spins me, and then when I try to spin him back, he loses his balance, knocking us both to the ground. I let out a laugh, looking at the blue-eyed boy propped up over me. “You really are something you know that?” he says, his eyes shining. I grin but before I have a chance to respond, he leans down, pressing his lips to mine.

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