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"You've got your passport?" my mom asks nervously as we walk into the airport

"Yes mom" I say with a sigh. She'd asked the same questions about 20 times now. Do you have your passport? Do you have money? Do you have the phone numbers for the hostiles? Do you have your phone? I understood she was worried but there was no reason to hover so much. If I was old enough to be able to backpack around Europe I think I was old enough to keep track of my own things.

Do you have your--" she starts.

"Mom" I say cutting her off frustratedly. She looks at me, concern on her face.

"I just want to make sure you're ok,” she says making me feel slightly guilty for snapping at her.

"I'll be fine,” I say giving her a hug. I glance at the time and pull back. “I’ve got to go if I'm going to make it through security in time to catch my flight" I say stepping towards the long checkpoint line. She nods giving me a half smile and a wave.

"Have fun, be safe" she says. "And don't talk to strangers" she calls after me as I retreat into the quickly growing line. I slowly progress through the security line and by the time I finally get through I have only 5 minutes to get to my gate.

"Shit" I mutter under my breath as I look at my ticket to see what gate I was at before breaking into a run towards it.

"Last call for Gate 47 to London,” the speakers announce as I get to the gate. Breathing heavily I hand my ticket to the gate attendant.

"Just in time" she says with a smile as I walk onboard the plane, a rush of excitement filling my veins. I had finally done it. I'd finally escaped Nebraska. I take my seat, anxious to get going. I was planning on starting in England before moving to the main land and touring all around there before finally returning home at the end of summer. I had it all mapped out. It was going to be the trip of a lifetime. I pull out my Kindle, turning it on, and beginning to read my story. I'd opted to get an e-reader for this trip so I didn't have to lug around dozens of books. This way I could have as many as I wanted without the extra weight. I smile, getting comfortable in my seat, as I sink into James Patterson's magically scientific world of human-bird creations. Before I know it, the pilot is announcing our landing. I shut off my kindle and look out the window. I can't see much considering all the fog but that doesn't stop the bubble of excitement welling up in my chest. By the time I'm finally out of the airport, I'm about to burst with excitement. I hail a taxi and give him the address to the hostile I was staying at while in London.  We pull up and I jump out of the taxi, grinning like a fool, looking around. It was so different than home. The taxi driver drives off and I walk into the building.

"Hello, I'm supposed to be staying here for a few days" I say to the clerk. She nods, typing something on the computer.

"Do you have any form of identification?" she asks glancing up at me. I nod and my hand flies to my side where my purse was. It wasn't there. I turn around frantically and look at my suitcase to see if I'd set it on top of that but it wasn't there.

"I just had it,” I say worriedly. "I had it in the taxi. I had set it down right..." I say trailing off. I'd left it in the taxi. It had my passport, my wallet, and my phone. I was so screwed.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you if you don't have identification" the clerk says sympathetically. I nod, a lump of fear growing in my throat. I was stuck in London without any form of help. I walk outside in shock and take a seat on the curb. I couldn't believe I'd let this happen. I hadn't even been here for an hour and I'd already messed up. Maybe my mom was right. I wasn't ready to do this.

"Ermmm are you Rhiannon?" a voice asks. I jump up startled, one that someone was there, and two that they knew my name.

"Yes..." I say suspiciously, turning to look at the guy. My eyes widen at the sight of the boy in front of me. His liquid brown eyes were shining happily as he smiled a smile sweeter than chocolate.

"I think this is yours" he says holding up my purse.

"My purse" I yell taking it back from him. "How'd you find it?" I ask in shock.

"I took the taxi after you" he says with a shrug. "I saw it there and asked the driver to drop me off where he had taken you. I figured you wouldn't be able to go to far without it."

"But how did you know my name?" I ask curiously. He shrugs sheepishly.

"I looked in your wallet,” he explains. "I didn't take anything, I just wanted to see who owned it,” he adds rushed, worried that I'd think he stole something.

"Thank you so much" I say sincerely. "I'm just got here from America like an hour ago, I don't know what I'd have done." He smiles at me.

"Well Rhiannon, since you've just arrived, how bout a tour around London?" he asks. I smile, thinking about my moms warning against talking to strangers.

"Sure" I say with a smile. "But on one condition" I say.

"What's that?" he asks with a slight frown.

"Well seeing as you already know my name, I think I deserve to know yours,” I say raising an eyebrow with a smile.

"Oh that’s easy,” he says with a smile.

"I'm Liam. Liam Payne"

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