Montanna and Harry

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"They're coming to visit today" I sing song as I check my reflection in the mirror one last time before turning to Caity with a huge smile on my face. She groans, flopping down on my bed.

"I'm so jealous that you actually know him" she says. My grin widens as I think back to our first encounter. I'd been at the coffee shop and had completely spaced off thinking about a story idea and Harry had walked into my line of sight, thought I'd been staring at him, and had come over to say hello thinking I was a huge fan. I hadn't even noticed until a hand had started waving in my face, breaking me out of the trance. It was awkward to say the least, but we had a good laugh about it now.

"They'll be here soon so you should probably go" I say glancing at the time.

"Why can't I meet them?" she whines.

"Because, I haven't even met the other boys, and knowing you, you'll just say something to embarrass me" I say with a laugh.

"Like tell him how much you love him?" she asks teasingly, ducking as I chuck a pillow at her.

"I do not" I say, feeling my cheeks heat up, and the familiar flop in my stomach.

"That's ok, from the amount you two text I think it's quite obvious he likes you also" she replies, seeing through my lie. I shake my head. That I knew wasn't true.

"He doesn't like me; Harry is the type of guy where, if he liked you, he'd tell you." I say, a feeling of disappointment settling on my shoulders. She rolls her eyes before sliding off the bed.

"We'll see" she says as she heads toward the door. We say goodbye and I settle down on the couch and turn on the TV. Harry texts me telling me that they'll be there soon and I smile, the feeling of butterflies returning. After 10 minutes, I hear a noise outside. I frown slightly, turning off the TV to make sure I'd actually heard something. I hear the noise again and get up and look out the window. The boys were out on my front lawn and appeared to be arguing about something. Confused, I open the door. They are deep in their argument and don't seem to hear me come out.

"I picked the song I should get to start" Niall says hotly.

"Fine" Harry says with a sigh.

"Uh hello?" I say and their heads snap up. I raise an eyebrow at them, and lean against the doorframe. "What's going on?" I ask. I see Harry's face light up.

"We've got something to show you" he says with a smile.

"I picked it out" Niall pipes up causing me to laugh.

"Yea I heard" I say with a grin. His face turns pink and he glances at Harry with a nod and Harry starts the cd player they had brought. Instantly a familiar song starts playing and I laugh bursts forth. Niall takes a step in front of the others, flips his snapback backwards, and launches into the first verse, a grin on his face.

If I was your boyfriend, I'd never let you go

I can take you places you ain't never been before

Baby take a chance or you'll never ever ever know

I got money in my hands that I'd really like to blow

Swag swag swag, on you

I was biting my lip to hold back the laughter. Watching Niall attempt to be ghetto rapping was one of the funnies things I'd ever seen.

Chillin by the fire while we eatin' fondue

I dunno about me but I know about you

So say hello to falsetto in three two swag

He steps back and Harry steps forward.

I'd like to be everything you want

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