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"Hey, watcha doin?” the voice through the phone asks perkily.

"Homework" I reply tiredly. "I have this huge paper on the sensory processes of the brain due tomorrow and I have three more pages to write and nothing to write it on"

"That sucks" he says solemnly. "So do you want to do something?" he asks perking back up again.

"What part of huge paper didn't you understand?" I ask

"But the hotel is boring and we are only here for two more days" he whimpers. I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

"Fine, you can come over and hang out while I finish this if you want" I say and I can just see the smile on his face.

"I'll be over in 5"

True to his word, five minutes later there is a knock on the door. "I don't know how you got here in 5 minutes, the hotel is a good 20 minutes away,” I say opening the door and seeing Louis standing there.

"I was on my way over when I called" he says with a cheeky smile as he walks in. I roll my eyes, shaking my head slightly at his comment.

"Of course you were,” I say under my breath. "Well go ahead and take a seat, you're in for a boring night" I say

"As long as I can hang out with my awesome new friend" he says with a grin, plopping down onto my bed, referencing the fact we haven't actually known each other that long. It was only a couple days ago really. When they had first come to town, they'd gone to a club and my friends and I had also happened to be there. He'd seen my laughing at his ridiculous dance moves and came over to talk, and we'd just hit it off, even though I don't normally go for the British accent. I sit back down at my desk and focus back on my paper as Louis turns on the television, flicking through channels to find something he wanted to watch.

An hour later, I set my pencil down with a sigh. I'd managed to get two more pages done. Just needed one more. I stand up and walk into the kitchen and start making myself some tea to get me through the last page. "I'm making tea, do you want any?" I call to Louis. When he doesn't respond, I frown slightly and walk back into the bedroom. I look at Louis, who seems to be thinking intently on something, "Do you want some tea?" I ask and he snaps out of his daze and looks at me with an almost embarrassed expression.

"I'm alright babe,” he says recovering himself quickly. I narrow my eyes slightly as I study him, noticing the pink tinge that had covered his face.

"Are you alright?" I ask after a moment. He nods his head quickly and I raise an eyebrow questioningly, not believing him.

"I'm not going to ever get anything by you am I, Miss Psych major?" he finally responds with a sigh. I smirk, having won.

"Nope" I reply, popping the p. He sighs, sliding over, and patting the bed next to him for me to sit down on. Confused at to what was bothering him so much, I sit down next to him. He looks down at his hands for a moment before looking up at me.

"I've got a confession,” he says. I nod my head waiting for him to continue. "I know we've only known each other for a few days, but I think I'm really starting to like you"

"I like you to, you've become a really close fr--" I start saying

"No" he says cutting me off. "I mean I really like you,” he says emphasizing the really and it clicks what he means. I tense up immediately. I wasn't really good with the whole letting people close thing. I tended to think they were either joking or were going to end up hurting me.” And I was wondering if maybe you'd want to go out with me" he continues

"Why?" I ask bluntly. He looks momentarily startled, as if surprised that I didn't either immediately reject him, or immediately throw myself at him.

"Well, I love you're cute little kiwi accent, the way you always look like you're analyzing everything, the fact that you always seem to have a flower tucked into you hair" he says, plucking the flower out and spinning it around in his fingers before placing it back in my hair. I smile slightly feeling myself start relaxing, but he wasn't done yet "and the fact that you're so passionate about school, and how you try to insult people but no one really believes it because you're to nice of a person, and of course... the way you flick your hair gets me overwhelmed, because you don't know you're beautiful" he says adding the last part jokingly, causing me to laugh. "So?" he asks after a moment and I realize he's waiting for an answer.

"What about when you leave?" I ask. His eyebrows furrow in thought as he tries to come up with a solution.

"Well you could come with..." he says but I quickly shake my head.

"I have school,” I say motioning around. "I can't just pack up and go back to England with you"

"Well then when tour is over, I'll come back here and stay here for a while" he reasons "then when you're on holiday you can come visit me. We'll make it work" I nod my head slowly as I feel the last of my reservations break down. When I see the smile light up his face I know I've made the right decision.

"Yay" he cheers jumping up off the bed and quickly pressing his lips against mine, pulling back just as quickly. I look at him in shock and he laughs seeing my expression. "Now get back to your paper,” he says with a cheeky grin. I laugh, shaking my head slightly as I sit back down at my desk, wondering how he expected me to be able to concentrate on finishing the paper now.

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