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“Oh my god Tiah I can’t wait for tomorrow! Just a few more hours!” I say excitedly, jumping up and down as we walk down the street.

“I know!” she squeals glancing back in the direction we had came at the hotel in the distance. “I just wish they could have come out and said hi” she says wistfully. I nod in agreement.

“They are probably to busy preparing tomorrow.”  I say. “Besides, the manager said they weren’t even there yet.” I add with a shrug.

“I suppose” she agrees reluctantly. We continue walking down the street lit up by the lamp lights considering the fact it was about 11 at night, when I see a dog across the street from us.

“Awww! Look at the puppy!” I exclaim, pointing at it, a smile breaking out onto my face.  The dog seems to hear us and it’s tail starts wagging and it trots out into the street headed towards us, when a car shoots around the corner. My eyes widen as I watch it come baralling down the road. Without even thinking I race out into the street, the screeching of tires filling my ears as I grab the dog and throw us out of the way of the car. I get out of the way just in time as the car screeches to a stop right where we had been.  I open my eyes, peeking my head out of the dogs fur, checking to see if we were still alive before looking down at the trembling dog in my hand making sure it was alright.

“Oh my god MJ!” Tiah screams racing over as I hear car doors open and shut and the thud of footsteps running over.

“Oh my god. Are you ok?” a voice asks frantically. “Harry call an ambulance”

“What number is that here?” another voice asks.

“Oh for god’s sake, I’ll call” Tiah says pulling out her phone.

“I’m alright” I say, my voice shaking. “Just some scratches” I say, finally taking the time to examine myself, noting the scratches on my knees and elbows where I’d hit the pavement.

“Who the hell do you think you ar—“ Tiah starts saying before suddenly lapsing into silence. “Oh my god” she says quietly. “Oh my god MJ” she says flapping her hand in front of my face pulling my attention up to the people surrounding me. My eyes widen, my mouth falling open seeing the people leaning over me.

“I’m so sorry, the boys were distracting me. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going” Harry says worriedly, looking at me from behind Liam who was hovering over me nervously, as if afraid I’d die any moment.

“It’s ok, I’m fine” I assure them again, brushing some dirt off my pants before taking the hand Liam had extended, pulling myself up.

“Are you sure?” he asks again. I nod again, clutching the puppy to my chest. I didn’t want to make a big deal about the whole thing and besides, the fact that 5 celebrities were all crowding around me was intimidating.

“Is there anyway we can make it up to you?” Louis pipes up. “Tickets to tomorrow’s show or something?” he continues. I feel my mouth go dry and I’m unable to formulate a response. Luckily Tiah comes to my rescue. “We already have tickets” she says, glancing over at me, her eyes showing the shock I was sure was mirrored on my face.

“Well what about back stage passes then?” Liam asks, glancing back at Paul who gave a nod of approval. “You can hang out with us before and after the show. Both of you” he says glancing at Tiah. “That is, if you still want to after we almost ran you over” he adds as an afterthought causing a bubble of laughter to erupt from my throat.

“Yea, that would be great” I say with a smile, starting to relax in their presence.

“What’s your name darling? We’ll tell the security to let you through” Liam says a look of relief spreading across his face.

“Mary-Joy. But my friends call me MJ. And this is Tiah” I say nudging Tiah who was staring at them wide-eyed.

“Ok, well we’ll see you tomorrow MJ” Liam says with a smile, pressing a kiss to my cheek, my eyes widening as I keep from flipping out as the rest of the boys follow suit before Paul ushers them back into the car.

“Oh… my… god” Tiah manages to sputter out. “Did that really just happen?” she asks.

“We’re going to hang out with One Direction tomorrow” I say wide-eyed, looing down at the puppy wrigging around in my arms.

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