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"I'm going to miss you Buddy" I murmur into the puppy's soft hair as I hold him to me. Today couldn't have been any worse. First, the bridge on my viola had broken during orchestra today, then I found out I'd failed my maths test, and now I find out that my favorite puppy at the shelter I volunteer at after school had gotten sold. The new owners were supposed to come in today to pick him up. I know I should be happy that he's finally found a home, but I'd been working on persuading my parents to let me keep him. They were just about to also. I hear the ring of the bell signaling someone walking in the front door. I sigh, petting him one more time before placing him back in his kennel and walking into the front room.

"Hi, we are looking for a dog" a blond boy says with a smile.

"I'm sorry, we only sell elephants here" I reply sarcastically. Normally I was nicer but I wasn't exactly in the best mood.

"Really?" a voice pipes up from the back and I see a boy in stripes looking extremely excited. "I've always wanted an elephant. Liam can we get one?" he asks turning to a boy next to him.

"No" the boy responds sternly. I crack a grin at the defeated look on the striped boy's face. It seemed like the other boy was in charge. I look back at the blonde boy and see him in the middle of a fit of laughter. I raise an eyebrow at him, an amused expression on my face. He blushes, his laughter coming to an end.

"So what kind of dog were you looking for?" I ask, pulling out the paperwork for adopting a dog.

"Well actually, we already adopted one, we are just here to pick it up" the one in charge, Liam I think his name was, said.

"Oh, ok" I say, putting the papers back, grabbing the record book. "Do you have the papers?" The boy nods and hands me the forms. My shoulders fall as I see that they are the ones taking Buddy.

"Is something wrong?" the blonde boy says nervously. "I thought we filled out all the papers right. Did someone already adopt him? Please say no, he's my favorite,” he says hurriedly.

"No, it's all in order" I reply, a sinking feeling in my chest. "It's just he was my favorite also. I'm going to miss him."

"Oh" the blond says awkwardly. I nod, not having anything to say. Finally, I sigh.

"C'mon back, you can come get him" I say. The boy perks up, excitedly and I lead the group back through the kennels to Buddy's. When he sees us all coming he stands up and waits at the door, wagging his tail so hard his entire backside is moving from side to side.

"Puppy!" the striped boy yells pushing past me, knocking me into the blond boy.

"Louis" Liam barks. "No pushing"

"Sorry" he says glancing at me apologetically before turning back to the wriggling puppy in his arms.

"It's ok, I'm fine,” I say stepping out of the blond boy's arms from where he'd attempted to steady me. I glance back at the puppy, watching as he ran in between the curly haired boy and the boy in stripes.

"He's a hyper puppy, are you sure you guys can handle him?" I ask. The darker skinned boy chuckles. "I think we'll be ok" he says watching as the curly haired boy tackles the one in stripes and Buddy bites down on his hair, playing tug of war with it.

"Yea buddy" the blond says with a laugh watching as the curly haired boy tries to squirm away, wincing as the puppy pulls on his hair. Liam steps in to intervene and I glance at the darker skinned boy who's leaning up against the wall, his arms crossed. I smirk slightly at him. He looked like he was doing his best to look cool and mysterious. I couldn't tell if that was an act or who he really was.

"He's always like that" the blonde says noticing me watching the other boy and I glance over at him, surprised he was here talking to me instead of playing with the puppy.

"Oh yea? And what about you? From what I can tell, you're all crazy" I say with a grin. He nods, laughing slightly.

"That pretty much sums it up" he says with a grin. "Although I'm Irish also which makes me even more awesome" he jokes. I laugh looking up at him, noticing how bright his blue eyes were.

"I'm Hannah by the way. I don't think I ever introduced myself,” I say with a smile, extending my hand.

"Nice to meet you Hannah, I'm Niall" he says shaking my hand. After a few more minutes of the boys wrestling with Buddy, I finally manage to get them out of the kennel and back into the front for some last minute paperwork.

"Ok, I think that’s it" I say after the boys all sign their names on the adoption forms. I hand Niall the leash and squat down to say goodbye to Buddy.

"You be a good puppy ok?" I say softly, rubbing behind his ears like he liked. He licks my cheek and I smile sadly as I stand

"Thank you so much" Liam says as he begins to herd the boys out. I nod my head watching as they leave. Niall pauses at the door, turning back to look at me, before breaking away from the boys and trotting back over.

"Hey so we'll be in the area for a couple more days" he starts "Would you maybe be interested in taking Buddy on a walk with me tomorrow?" he asks. I break into a smile, nodding my head.

"I'd love to" I say.

"Great" he says with a smile. "Just text me and we'll work out the when and where" he says, punching his number into my phone before heading back to the boys. I smile, watching them disappear out of sight.

That night when I get home, I flip on the TV and see its on one of those gossip shows my sister loved to watch so much. I groan and I'm about to flip the channel when my eyes catch on a blond boy on the screen. I pause, listening to what the reporter is saying.

"And in other news, One Direction has finally convinced their management to let them have a puppy. We got a picture of them walking back into their hotel with their new puppy, Buddy"

There on the screen was a clear shot of the blond boy from the shelter laughing as Buddy licks his face as he carries him into the hotel.

"No way" I whisper.

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