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"Come here you" Louis shouts racing after Leo who squeals and runs off giggling. I let out a laugh as I watch him chase Leo around the yard before eventually scooping him up in his arms, turning him upside down. Leo bursts out laughing and I smile to myself slightly as Louis puts him back down and whispers something into his ear. Leo nods before racing off back into the house.

"You always were good at getting kids to do your dirty work weren't you?" I ask jokingly as I walk over. Louis looks up in surprise having not realized I was watching, a grin appearing on his face. He nods his head, wrapping an arm around my waist and I lean my head against his shoulder as my mind flashes back to that moment.


"I'm gunna get you" a voice echoes out across the park. I look up from my book and see a guy chasing two little girls across the playground. I smile to myself as I watch the three of them. The little girls had to be twins because they looked the exact same. They were both shrieking as the boy who was pretending to chase them collapses on the ground. The two girls pause before slowly approaching the unmoving boy. When they get close enough to him, he lets out a roar, grabbing one in each arm and pulling them to the ground also. They let out a shriek and I my smile widens. I always loved when guys played with kids. I thought it was the cutest thing ever. Holly nudges me out of my thoughts and I glance over at her to see a knowing smile on her face.

"He's pretty cute,” she says teasingly. I feel my cheeks heat up a little and I glance back at the boy who looks up, his eyes meeting mine. I immediately duck my head, looking back down at the book, a small smile on my face. After a moment, I look back up and see the girls have managed to wriggle out of his grasp and have taken off across the playground again as he stomps after them as if he was some big monster. Every few moment though, he'd glance over, as if to see if I was watching and each time I'd immediately duck my head, hoping he didn't notice. As time went on, he got progressively louder, making even grander arm movements and I had to bite my lip to keep the smile from getting noticeable.

"Daisy, Phoebe" he calls and I risk a glance up again and see him gesturing the girls to come close. They run over and he squats down in front of them whispering something to them and nodding in our direction. The girls look over and I immediately duck my head again, pulling the book up close to my face. In a few seconds the sound of approaching footsteps causes me to look up and I see the two girls standing in front of Holly and me.

"I'm Daisy"

"And I'm Phoebe" the girls say with a smile.

"I'm Amanda,” I say with a smile.

"You're really pretty" Daisy says and my face turns red again.

"Thank you" I reply.

"Louis thinks so to, that's why he sent us over here to talk to you" Phoebe says and I glance back to see the guy watching, a smile on his face. I bite my lip to hide the smile as I look back at the girls.

"Well that's very nice of him,” I say glancing over at Holly who was grinning like a mad man.

"He said to ask you if he could get your number and if you'd like to get coffee with him sometime" Daisy adds. I let out a laugh of surprise. Partially because he'd asked me out, but mostly because he used kids to do it.

"I don't have anything to write it down with" I say

"I do" Holly butts in, rummaging through her purse and pulling out a slip of paper and a pen. I let out a small laugh, taking the pen and paper, writing down my number and handing it to the girls.

"Thanks" they say in unison before running back to Louis and handing him the paper. He smiles down at them, taking the slip and ruffling their hair before looking back up at me. He winks at me before mouthing 'I'll call you', making the phone motion at his ear. I nod back at him watching as the three of them walk off.


"Here's your pop Daddy" Leo says, snapping me out of my thoughts, as he hands Louis the drink.

"Thanks squirt" he says, unwrapping his hand from my waist and taking the drink from Leo, lifting him up with his other arm, propping him against his hip. He takes a drink before resting his arm back around my shoulders.

"It worked didn't it?" Louis asks, looking down at me pressing his lips against my temple and I nod.

"It definitely worked"

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