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I clutch the ticket in my hand as my mom pulls up to the arena. “Are you girls going to be ok?” she asks. My friend and I eagerly nod our heads. I can’t believe she was actually letting us do this! “Ok…” she replies hesitantly. “I’ll pick you up right here after the concert understand?” she asks. We nod our heads again, to excited to speak. “You have your phones?” she asks.

“Yes mom” I say excited as we leap out of the car. “Have fun” she calls after us. My mom had gotten me Ultimate VIP passes to their concert for my birthday. I started crying when I had seen them. My birthday had been months ago, but the day of the concert finally arrived. We got in line, ignoring the looks from the older girls who were obviously wondering why we were here. Just because we were 10 didn’t mean that we didn’t have a right to see the show also. When the doors open, we are ushered in, along with the rest of the Ultimate VIP girls and are taken to the arena. The two of us managed to get into the front row and we watched the boys during sound check. My friend and I were jumping up and down as we listened to them sing. During the sound check, the boys came down into the fans and started singing to different girls. The soundcheck ended to soon for my liking but I brushed it off. After all, that meant now was time for the Meet and Greet and then the actual concert. 

“Hey girls” a deep voice says as we enter the Meet and Greet room. The smile on my face grows even larger as I see the boys. My friend and I run over, hugging the boys as the photographer snaps a photo of us.

“I love you guys so much” I say excitedly. Harry chuckles and replies “we love all our beautiful fans also”. My face heats up and I shake my head. “I’m not beautiful” I start saying before I’m cut off by the security who usher us out so the next people can get their pictures. My heart drops, disappointed that I didn’t get to talk to them longer but we make our way back to our seats. Being Ultimate VIP, we got seats in the second row. After what seems like ages, the rest of the arena slowly fills up. I get more and more excited as time drags on. You can tell the concert was going to start soon. Next thing I knew, the lights dimmed and Olli steps onto the stage. A deafening roar erupts from the crowd as he starts singing Skip a Beat. My friend and I start jumping up and down, dancing along to the song. After a few more songs, Olli thanks us all and leaves the stage and the boys emerge. If I thought the scream for Olli was loud, I went deaf from this. It sounded like I was right up next to a jet plane taking off. The boys immediately launch into their first song. The crowd around us starts pressing in though, and pretty soon not only can I not see, but I’m beginning to be crushed. The concert has quickly gone from fun, to panic.

“Help” I yell desperately but no one seems to hear over the sound from the crowd. I look around desperately for help until my eyes finally lock onto Harry who was singing to the group right around us. He pauses singing and whispers something to the security guard near him. The guy nods and walks up to the barrier infront of us and reaches in, grabbing me by the wrist, pulling me to the front, quickly lifting me over the barrier. I let out a sigh of relief from being free of the crushing crowd and smile up at Harry greatfully. He smiles back at me before returning to the song, his eyes locked on me.

“You don’t know oh oh. You don’t know you’re beautiful. And that’s what makes you beautiful”

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