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You’re stare was holding, ripped jeans skin was showin.

 Hot night wind was blowin.

Where you think you’re going baby?

My head nods along and my lips silently forming the words to the song playing through my headphone as I peruse the stacks of books at the library. I had one headphone in, the other dangling so I could hear what was going on around me. I let my fingers absentmindedly skim across the bindings of the books as my eyes scan the titles. I was looking for one in particular. It was a new release and I was praying they had it in. I didn’t want to have to wait for weeks for somebody to return it. I hold back a squeal of joy as I see the title and reach for it only to have the hooded figure next to me grab the same title a split second before I could.

“Nooo” I groan disappointed, my hand dropping to my side. The person looks over, surprised at my outburst.

“What?” he asks a look of confusion washing over his face. I don’t notice as my eyes are focused on the book in his hand.

“I just…”I reply gesturing to the book in his hand “the book” I say with a sigh, figuring he’d catch on to what I meant.

“Oh” he says and I finally look up to see who had beat me out to getting the book. A brown haired boy with chocolate eyes stood in front of me. I’m startled by how attractive he is and at the same time how familiar he looks. “Well here, you take it” he says offering the book to me. I look between him and the book in surprise. I mean, I know I had been hoping he’d offer it to me, but I didn’t seriously expect him to. That sort of thing only happened in movies.

“No, it’s ok, you got it first” I say, pushing it back in his direction. He looks torn. I could tell he felt bad about getting it first, but I also read the want to read the book mixed in. He finally nods, accepting the book back.

“Thanks” he says, and I nod, moving away as I look for a different book to read. It takes a while to find a new book because my mind is preoccupied by the brunette beauty who had stolen my book from me but I eventually settle on an old favorite, the Hunger Games. As I head up to the check out, I can’t help but to glance around to see if he’s still here but my search is fruitless. He seems to have already left. I get up to the librarian and hand her the book and my library card and she proceeds to check the book out without even glancing up at me. As I turn to leave, she finally does look up, however, and I see a look of surprise cross her face.

“Oh wait, it’s you” she says. My brow furrows in confusion as she hurries to the back and grabs something off of her desk and walks back to the counter. “I’m supposed to give you this” she says handing me a book. I take it surprised and see it’s the book from before. A smile flits across my face as I realize he must have asked her to leave the book for me. I open the cover, flipping through the pages, excited to be able to get home and read it when a piece of paper flutters to the ground. I pick it up, and flip it over seeing what looks like a phone number and some words written on the back.

Hey I just met you.

And this is crazy.

But here’s my number,

So call me maybe?

Liam x

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