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“I’m starving” I groan, my hands wrapped tight around my stomach. 

“Well hurry up then, we’re getting food” my friend says with a laugh as she climbs out of the car. We were having a girls night out to escape all the boy drama that we’d seemed to have had lately. I smile as I hop out of the car and lock arms with her, skipping into the Italian place we had decided to go to dinner at.

“Ohhh fancy shmancy” I comment as I look around the room at all the lights and nice decorations.

“Can I help you?” the hostess asks, looking us once over, a snooty look on her face.

“Table for two” my friend responds pleasantly. The hostess looks at us for a second before sighing

“Right this way” she says as she leads us to a table. From that reception, I was already questioning the service of this place. Yea it was upscale and we were just a couple of teenagers but if they want our money you’d still think they’d give us some respect. We take our seats and the menus we are handed.

“This all looks amazing” I groan looking over the entrees. “What do you think you’re going to get?” I ask my friend.

“Umm, I was thinking the Fettuccini Alfredo” she says. “What about you?”

“I can’t decide,” I say biting my lip. “There’s so many things on here, I might have to get two.” The waitress comes back, a bored expression on her face to take our order.

“I’ll have the Fettuccini Alfredo and a diet coke” my friend says ordering first. The waitress nods, before turning to me.

“Ummm I’ll have the Chicken Parmesian, the Lasagna Primavera, a side of garlic bread, and a chocolate shake” I say with a smile closing my menu. She looks at me shocked.

“Are you sure you can eat all that?” she asks looking at my 5 foot frame.

“No, I was actually planning on feeding it to my pet pig” I deadpan. She sniffs her nose at me before spinning on her heel and walking away. I hear a snickering coming from the booth behind me and I look over at my friend who is trying to hold back a laugh of her own.

“You shouldn’t have said that to her, she’s probably going to spit in our food now” she says with a smile.

“She deserved it” I say with a shrug.

“I agree” a voice chimes in from the other booth. I turn around, startled that someone was listening in on our conversation, and see a blond head pop over the seat. “People always doubt my eating abilities also” the boy says with a smile. I look at the boy raising an eyebrow at him. “You don’t look like you could eat that much” I say eyeing how skinny he was. “I could totally out eat you”

“Yea?” he asks, eyes twinkling. “Would you care to bet on it?” I grin and nod, always up for a challenge. “Loser pays” I suggest and he nods slipping into the booth beside me. He calls the waitress back and tells her the change of plans and she frowns but agrees, a lot more respectfully though which confuses me. I look over at my friend who is staring at the boy beside me, eyes bulging out of her sockets. I look at her confused but don’t say anything. I mean yea, he was good looking but she was staring an awful lot…

The waitress eventually came back with the two large pizzas, the two baskets of breadsticks, and our drinks.

“First one to finish their pizza and basket of breadsticks wins” the boys says to me, his blue eyes flashing in excitement. I nod my head as he counts down to start. As soon as he says go we both tear into our pizzas. I was glad I was so hungry coming here because the pizza was huge. As I eat, I think about the fact that we were doing this in a 5 star restaurant, probably disgusting all the celebrities and other rich people here. This thought causes me to laugh, choking on a piece for a moment, slowing me down. I risk glancing over at the blond boy to see how he was faring and my eyes widen seeing him eating the last of his breadsticks, with only half the pizza left. Talk about underestimating my opponent. I speed up, hoping to catch up but it was all in vain. I’d lost.

“Done” he says with a grin slamming his hands down on the table.

“Ugh” I say with a groan leaning back running a hand through my hair as I look at the plate in front of me. I still had 2 pieces of pizza and a breadstick left. I look up at my friend who was still staring at the boy, having barely touched her own food.

“You going to finish that?” he asks her and she speechlessly shakes her head. He reaches over grabbing her plate and proceeds to start eating it also. I sigh, shaking my head with a grin at the boy as I quickly finish the rest of my food. Just because he won didn’t mean I was going to stop eating. The waitress comes back dropping off the bill and I reach to grab it.

“Don’t worry, I got it” the boy says with a smile.

“But I lost” I say “That was the bet.”

“Yea but that was the closest I’ve ever been to losing in a long time” He says pulling out his wallet and handing some cash to the waitress.

“Well thanks” I say with a smile. He nods, his deep blue eyes meeting mine again. “Would you be interested in going to get some ice cream after this?” he asks.

“We just ate” I say with a laugh “besides, tonight I’m hanging out with my best friend” I say looking over at her where she had finally snapped out of her daze and was trying to signal something to me.  The boy nods. “Well how bout tomorrow then?” he asks. I hesitate a second, the whole reason for tonight was because of boy drama. Did I really want to get involved with a new boy? I look into his eyes searching for some sign of trouble but all I see is warmth. “Ok” I say finally.

“Yea buddy” he says with a smile sliding out of the booth. “Milkshake City tomorrow at 7” he says waving goodbye as he walks out.

“Do you know who that was?” my friend finally explodes when he’s left the restaurant.  I look at her confused.

“A nice guy who just bought us dinner?” I ask confused.

“You just went head to head in an eating contest with Niall Horan!” 

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