The meeting

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Hi guys, this is the first thing I've written to put online so I hope you like it! I may be slow at updating so very sorry, but feel free to leave advice and anything you'd like, as long as you keep it respectful :).
Trevor could feel his hands gripping the table tightly as he tried hard to think through what he was about to say. As soon as he opened his mouth an explosion erupted outside, making the room shake and lights flicker. Everyone looked around fleetingly and then continued to argue

"We should just attack them, raise an army and rule over everyone ourselves!" States dray, earning a few glares.

"We are here to help the humans, not control them you idiot" someone else shouted.

Trevor didn't know how it could work anyway, but he seemed to like the idea of forcing the war to stop, even though it could mean people will die.

"What if we just separated people, in the things that make them different? Like how they used to be, and even though they struggled to overcome those differences, we could possibly make it work" a shaky voice piped out.

Trevor nodded, and felt an idea coming. But then he realised they didn't have anything to seperate them with. There was only one thing that made them different, when they were born. "How about star signs? Races have been completely mixed at this point, if we seperate by political views it could go terribly wrong, gender wouldn't work because we would still need to repopulate, so star sign seems to work better"

Murmurs erupted around the room, but most people seemed to be agreeing with him.

"I'm sure most people would be happy to end this war, and surely it could be arranged eventually, we could use a little force but it would be fine, the humans are inferior, but they respect us."

"It could work!"

"Why not! We could propose the idea to her and see what happens"

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