Chapter 24: Blue Blazers and Blue Eyes

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Ivy Bell: 

"Hold still," I murmur to the model who fidgets on the pedestal. 

I can feel her eyes watching me through the three way mirror set in front of us as I fix the hem of her pant leg with careful precision. 

"Sorry," She's visibly fighting the urge to move, "I'm just kind of nervous. It's my first shoot for Mallette's designs." She whispers at the end as if she was afraid for anyone to hear. 

I smoothen out the material that covers her slender limbs before uncurling from my crouched position. "Don't be," I smile gently, "You'll do great!"

The nervous model titters and the tight curls of her bangs fall into her eyes when she pouts, "I really hope so."

I step back to admire my work before giving her a curt nod. The model steps off the short platform and with one last nervous inhale, she struts towards the line of waiting models awaiting for their next orders on the set.

Sighing, I allow myself the time to admire how comfortable they all seem as they're positioned in front of the camera. I could never be a model because I always getting extremely awkward and nervous in front of a lens. Behind the camera is where I belong and where I prefer, hiding away from the limelight. 

When I return to my station to pick up on any more work before I need to assist Catalina for her fitting, I notice Maia angrily rummaging through a rack of clothes. She's practically fuming out the ears and I feel sorry for the poor intern on the sidelines that's been caught under her wrath. 

That is, until Maia turns her head like a hawk and her hard gaze lands on a new prey.

Oh no.

"Ivy," She calls out, striding in her nude Jimmy Choo pumps. "There's an emergency, Patricia is flying out to France to meet with potential clients and the floral blue blazer sample is missing from its case in the company closet," Her head shakes.

"I need you to find it. Now.

My superior's tone leaves no room for objection as her eyes land on a new issue from the never ending pile and stalks off to yell at the next poor soul. 

Trust Maia to throw assignments with little to no helpful information like they're confetti. 

Whatever responsibilities I may have had are momentarily thrown out the window and I rush to the lobby to find Josephine. There's no way I'll find this blazer on my own in this vast building so i'll need some help.

Luckily for me, Josephine has two of the other interns helping her uphold the reception. 

When her grey eyes notice my distress, she hangs up her call with a quick bid goodbye. "What's wrong?" 

My words come out in one long ramble. "Maia has gone ballistic because the floral blue blazer is missing from our samples and Ms Mallette needs it as soon as possible. Help me, please, before she puts my head on stick." 

Josephine pushes back from the reception desk in her rolly chair. "Keep answering phone calls and if you hear anything about the blazer, contact either one of us." She calls back sternly to the two wide eyed interns who frantically nod.

We rush to the open elevators that close behind us. Josephine whips out her cellphone and begins to text at supersonic speed when we arrive to our floor. "I'll text Jonah too, see if he knows anything." 

"Good idea." 

We end of splitting as Josephine checks in to see if the blazer was accidentally sent to one of the shoots and I head to company closet. I know both the floral blue blazer and the slim, light blue blazer had an adjustment made by one of the Junior workers two weeks ago when myself and another intern were sent to clean up afterwards.

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