Chapter 12: Last minute request

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Ivy Bell: 

I was at Patricia Mallette's fashion studio bright and early the next day at 6AM just like she requested. 

Of course, I did not come empty handed. A little bit before 6AM I showed up to the studio looking as awake and refreshed I could look at this time in the morning with a cup of coffee, just the way Ms Mallette likes it.

Josephine was surprised to see me this early, but she sent me up to Ms Mallette's office after ringing her, saying that I could go right up. I walked in with the coffee a few minutes before 6 and Ms Mallette looked content to see me. "Right on time." She mused as I handed her the coffee which she accepted. 

I started planning right away. Ms Mallette gave me an incredibly long and detailed list of everything that needed to be done and ready by the end of this week for the fashion charity launch. 

The Venue has already been booked and the models have already been selected. I just need to finish up the seating chart, ensure the music setlist is ready and correct which will be played by the DJ we're hiring, call a catering company to make some orders and ensure that we've got enough photographers coming for the night plus get the decoration set up at the venue and manage the auction room with all the designs and mannequins that will be displaying them after the runway show. 

For the time being, Ms Mallette gave me permission to use her personal conference room to make these arrangements instead of my desk where the rest of the other interns were located. 

"Hey, Ivy!" I hear Jonah call as I enter the lobby. My cellphone is currently wedged between my shoulder and my ear as I listen to the catering company tell me in detail about the specific arrangement of food I've ordered and check off each thing I've carefully planned and ran over briefly by Ms Mallette. 

I wave back at Jonah with one hand, an awkward smile on my face as I approach him. 

"And I ordered 2000 of those," I chip in to the lady on the other end of the phone as she confirms my order of appetizers that would be served at the start of the launch. 

Jonah patiently waits for me to finish my phone call, leaning against Josephine's desk as people hurry past by us. 

"Thank you," I gratefully say to the woman before I hang up and put a check off on my list. "I've been on the phone with the catering company for hours, can you believe that? I've already sent an email about my order in excruciating detail and confirming and reconfirming everything over the phone and it's already 3 PM." I sigh, rubbing my forehead. 

Jonah laughs at me and I pout at him. "I still can't believe you're doing this." He muses.

"I can't either." I admit.

According to Jonah, word somehow went around about my assistance to the launch party and some interns were not happy about it. 

Apparently they think this will help me somehow with the upcoming fashion show in late August, but if anything, I don't think it will since if I mess up, I won't be around to even see the fashion show, let alone be apart of it.

Two interns specifically, Savannah and Zoe, were especially not happy when they heard the news, according to Jonah who was there to witness their anger. 

"I'm guessing you don't have time to grab some lunch with us?" Josephine has finished her phone call and has grabbed her purse. 

Shaking my head, I point to the endless list of things I still needed to complete for Ms Mallette and the other things I had to do for this internship. Maia said just because I'm helping out with the launch, I can't run away from my other responsibilities around here. Of course she choses now of all times to give me a handful of important tasks to do of all times. 

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