Chapter 4: The run in

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Ivy Bell: 

"Okay, Ivy you got this." I assure myself as I carefully balance the multitude of hot beverages in my steady grip.

 I've got two cardboard coffee holders in each hand, one carrying four coffees and the other one holding two more. Being the clumsy person I am, I was worried I would drop it them all, but somehow I've managed to go to the coffee shop and back to the building without dropping or spilling anything.

"Could you- Oh," I sigh as the woman who I was going to ask to push the elevator button for me walks right past me, not even bothering to spare a glance in my direction.

Huffing, I manage to dip down and elbow the button while I prayed to the sky above that I wouldn't slip on the polished tiles.

The elevator eventually reaches the first floor and I step on, struggling once again to press the floor button. The shaft lifts smoothly until the doors of the elevator open and I step out carefully as I continue to balance the drinks in my hands. Outside the entrance of where the meeting would take place, a few interns wait patiently for the commencement of one of the most important meetings of the year.

An intern I've had the displeasure to work with, Savannah, watches me with slitted eyes as I enter with the coffee. 

Here's what I know about Savannah Crawford: She wasn't the nicest person around and didn't enjoy it when any other intern had Ms Mallette's attention, according to Jonah. I've been avoiding her so far, trying to ignore her constant glares, but it's starting to become difficult to avoid her as she has recently attempted to approach me.

Her harsh brown eyes watch me as I walk past her and I notice the sour expression on her face. "Coffee run orders?" She snorts, smirking slightly. 

Her tall stance is natural and posed poised, wearing a tight black pencil skirt and creme blouse that was tucked right in with dainty sleeves. Her sandy blonde hair was clipped back from her face and she had her makeup done to perfection.

Ignoring her, I'm ready to enter the conference room when I run smack into something- or should I someone, spilling the steaming hot coffee all over the floor and myself in the mess of a process.

"Crap!" The hot liquid drips down the front of my outfit. To make matters worse, the unfortunate mishap takes place before the eyes of my fellow interns and superiors, including Ms Mallette. The simple purse of her lipstick tainted lips does not go unnoticed. 

"Watch where you're going next time, little intern." A familiar voice snarls.

Looking up in horror, I come face to face to the devil himself, Justin Bieber.

From behind me, I hear Savannah snickering, but Justin doesn't even smirk as he scoffs and pushes past me, leaving in the puddle of hot coffee. 

"Ivy!" Maia snaps, rising from her seat. To say she looked unimpressed would be an understatement. I feel like my skin is burning, it probably was, and I had the urge to just jump into a cold stream. My hands were shaking. "Are you okay?" She questions lowly, grabbing my arms to see if I was left with any burns from the sizzling coffee. 

"Perfectly fine."  I mutter even though I know I'm not. Maia shakes her head at me before sparing a glance at the five adults in the conference room. They were not from Mallette Designs and I had a pretty sure feeling that this was not a good first impression on my part.

"Excuse us, please." She briskly chirps before pulling me out of sight and back into the hallway. 

Maia mutters words under her breath on how I embarrassed her, but adds that it wasn't entirely my fault as we take the evaluator down to the main floor where we approach Josephine with her usual strict expression on her face. Maia requests some spare clothes and Josephine makes a call while some woman in a white blazer makes me put my arms under water running from a sink in one of the bathrooms. 

I'm then given a fresh pair of clothes and I discard my coffee drenched outfit into a bag. As expected, the day goes on, but I don't miss the whispers going around as interns and workers watched me, discussing my run in with the 'Star Model' of Pattie Mallette's clothing line.

Thankfully, Marco picks me up after work and I'm grateful when he does. He doesn't say anything as his eyes take me in, already picking up on my distress. "Want to talk about it?" He asks in a stiff tone, completely out of his element. 

Discussing feelings isn't something he's good at. 

"Nope." I spare him the time of discussing my terrible encounter with Justin and he just nods, driving away from the building that I was slowly beginning to despise. 

The whole incident plays over and over again in my head. From the coffee spilling, to everyones reactions, to Justin's rude words and Savannah snickering as she watched smugly from the sidelines. My fists clench tightly, my anger towards todays events slowly getting to me.

At home, I change out of my itchy clothing and into my pyjamas before crawling into bed without another word to Marco. It's rare when I'm this upset and he knows it so he gives me some much needed space. 

After about an hour of sulking in bed, Marco trudges into my bedroom with a bowl of cereal. 

He takes the spot next to me on the bed and hands the cereal over to reveal my favourite brand. He sheepishly rubs the back of his neck, "I can't cook for shit so..." 

Despite his words, I smile at the effort he put into bringing me my favourite breakfast food. It may not seem like that big of a gesture, but for Marco it was.

My best friend turns on the TV in my bedroom and I don't waste another second as I shovel a spoonful of cereal into my mouth. The familiar taste of sugar mixed with the cold milk has me feeling better in seconds. From the corner of my eye, I notice Marco's lips twitch in a half smile that barely even breaks out onto his face. 

We spend the rest of the night watching TV.

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