Chapter 2: Douchebag alert

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Ivy Bell:

Marcello's was packed tonight, even though it was Monday.

Marco and I managed to get a small booth and we both sat down, going over want we wanted even though we both already knew our orders.

"Okay so the regular burger with extra spicy peppers and curly fries with lemonade," Marco goes over my usual and I grin.

"Now tell me why I order curly fries," I say in a sing song voice, making Marco purse his lips.

"Because they're a lot 'cooler' and more 'unique'," he lowly grumbles before muttering, "my best friend is an idiot."

I can't help the grin that overtakes my lips and nod. "I've taught you well, Marco Ricci."

Marco visibly relaxes when I don't mention his middle name and leaves the table before I can tease him. He really hates his middle name.

He soon returns with my order and his own, almost the same as mine expect he replaced the curly fries and lemonade with onion rings and water.

"There's a live show tonight," I mention, looking back at the stage where some people were setting up their instruments.

Marco chews his food, looking back before shrugging at me and stuffing another onion ring into his mouth.

Eventually halfway through our meal, a voice breaks in. Marcello himself was at the front, talking into the microphone. "Everyone give it up for our new singing act tonight!" He yells, showing off the band that stood in front of us.

All the drunk guys in the front cheered, holding their pints of beer up.

Marco rolls his eyes and goes back to his food, but I keep my eyes on the band, a little curious.

The first thing I notice is the lead singer.

I take in his knee ripped jeans and dark t shirt, then taking in his deep brown eyes at stylish hair that was pushed away from his face. I had to admit, he's attractive.

After their introduction, the band breaks out into their first song and I find myself bobbing my head to the music. The main singer has a really nice voice.

A few songs in, they announce their break time and step away from the microphone to go grab a few drinks. Marco glances at me and then back at the lead singer, a knowing look in his eyes. "What?" I pout.

"I always thought you were into the more 'smart' looking type of guys. Not the grunge ones with nice hair, or else you'd be all over me." He jokes for once without insulting me.

A scowl is plastered on my face. "I am not into him. He kinda looks like a douchebag..." I murmur, glancing back to where the lead singer was enjoying the company of girls with a bottle of beer in one hand as he leaned against the bar counter.

His brown eyes meet mine for a second from across the bar, but I look away before either of us could think about who the other was. "It's getting late," I declare, glancing at the time on my phone.

"I want to go home, get some rest for tomorrow morning."

Marco sighs, but stands up none the less. We pay for our food and right when we're about to leave, I hear someone call out to me.

"Leaving so soon?"

I turn to find the owner of the smooth voice. To my surprise, it's the lead singer from the band.

He's staring at me with an unknown look in his eyes, looking me up and down. I find myself squirming under his sight.

I slowly nod. He licks his lips, "Well that's too bad."

Marco slips next to my side, glancing between the two of us before deciding that the guy in front of us wasn't worth his precious time. "Ready?"

Nodding, I turn to leave with Marco when I feel something cold collide with my chest. "Oh my God," I yelp, feeling the cold substance run down my shirt and over my pants.

"Oops," The fiery redhead mumbles, laughing as she places the cup of whatever the heck was in there on the counter. "My bad." Her voice is mocking as she takes a seat next to the lead singer, an innocent look on her face.

The girls around her laugh and I notice a slightly amused look on the lead singers face. He was clearly enjoying all the attention he was getting tonight. Argh.

"Watch it, would yeah?" Marco snaps, not taking her crap. "Keep your fangirls on leash, would you?" He says, turning to look at the singer.

This time, the singer squints at Marco, almost looking offended that Marco would snap at one of his new fangirls.

"Hey, watch your tone. Do you know who you're talking to?"

The girls around him nod, glaring at Marco with burning passion in their eyes. "He's Justin Bieber!" The one with the nose piercing exclaims as if it would make any difference.

Marco's nose crinkles as if he smelt something foul. "Is that supposed to clear everything up? I couldn't give a damn about who he is. Just keep your groupies in a row." He hisses before grabbing my arm and pulling me out the pub.

"Yep, a total douchebag."



Super lame chapter written by yours truly.... aha. Sorry if it was boring and super badly written. But hey- Justin has officially been introduced to the story!

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