Chapter 20: Family Relationships

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Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadian readers!


Ivory Bell:

"Do you want to grab lunch today?" Justin asks over the phone and I sigh, glancing over at Maia who was currently instructing another intern to adjust the backdrop for the upcoming photoshoot happening tomorrow afternoon.

"I don't think I'll be able to. Maia has us all working past our lunch hours and I'm meeting with the rest of the models I hired to take their measurements during my break since that's the only time I'll have today." I tell him.

For the past few days I met up with the people I would include in my show to make sure that each outfit fits correctly on the individual who would be wearing my clothes. I didn't trust myself to actually bring the clothes, but I planned to get the measurements done by tonight, make the adjustments and have the final product ready by the end of this week so the models could come by my place and try out the clothes.

The part about all of this is that both Justin and I are too busy to hangout or even properly talk on the phone. We occasionally catch each other for a few minutes before one of us has to go. I'm busy with my internship here plus go home and do more stuff for the fashion show and Justin and his band have been having more rehearsals then usual since they got this really amazing offer to do a gig with an opportunity to be signed with a record label. It all depends on how their performance goes on Friday.

I have to quickly say goodbye to Justin and slip my phone back into my pocket when Maia saunters by with more instructions for me. If she catches me on the phone I know she'll give me a whole ton of crap for it.

Lunch time eventually rolls by and I'm waiting back at my apartment for my models to drop by and do the measurements. When the last model leaves, I have to head back to the studio, barely getting the chance to have a bite of my food.

On my way up to the 14th floor, I pass by Josephine who grabs my arm. "I've been looking for you!" She says, surprising me completely.

I have to admit, I was a little taken aback from her sudden excitement since its so unlike Josephine, but I smile at her. "What's up?"

"All the senior designers are letting the junior designers and interns out early tonight because they're all heading down to some exclusive event so a lot of us are heading out to grab drinks. Jonah's making me come with him so therefore you have to come with us too."

My eyes light up at the thought of heading home early tonight. It would be fun to hangout with everyone from the studio, but at the same time, I consider just slipping away to my apartment and catching up on some much needed sleep before I have to get back to my own designs for the show.

Being let out early would also be a blessing considering that there has been a total of 7 interns fired in the past two weeks and its been stressing the rest of us Everyone is too scared to do anything that would possibly have them be seen as 'stepping out of in'. Not to mention, the senior designers have been pushing us even harder than ever to complete 10 times the work than we originally had in a spam of a day.

"Just for an hour." I tell Josephine who excitedly nods and I excuse myself, telling her that if I don't go up now, Maia will end up having my head on a stick.

I'm a minute late from my lunch break and I'm praying that Maia hasn't noticed my delay as I slip into the room and busy myself with work.

Eventually Maia announces our early closing and everyone cheers in excitement. I think I'm in the clear when I'm steadily making my way to the door. I'm almost there, just a few more steps and then I hear Maia's voice call out from behind, "Actually Ivy...."

The Internship -Justin Bieber-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora