Chapter 16: 2 AM kiss

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Ivory Bell:

"We are going for something sophisticated," Elise states as she grabs bits and pieces of clothes off a rack the two women brought in themselves.

"Nothing too flashy, but something nice."

Jemma has me sit in a chair in front of my mirror as she decides on how to do my hair and makeup.

In the end, Elise decides on a pair of black chiffon pants and an elegant white top that fit perfectly with the pants. To go with the outfit, she paired it up with a pair of stilettos and some accessories.

Jemma styles my hair to perfection and through out the entire process the two women talk and talk.

I've realized that Elise is a little bit older and much more calm where as Jemma younger and much more jumpy. The two of them always have something to say about everything and anything.

Even Elise gossips, which is practically all the time, her voice always falls into a low whisper as if someone other than us three would hear, even though we are the only people here in my apartment.

I have to admit, the whole process is fun. I was a little nervous at first, but these two women are incredibly nice. We all get along pretty well.

"So, is Justin your boyfriend?" Jemma asks casually out of nowhere as she applies some blush to my cheeks.

This takes me back completely and I end up moving my head back in one quick motion. "What? No, of course not."

Elise pipes in, "Don't be silly, Jem! Did you not see the photograph in the living room? She already has a boyfriend." The other states.

"Actually, he's not my boyfriend either."

Jemma nervously smiles and Elise sighs in relief. "Oh thank God, he's quite the looker, but his sense in fashion?" She whistles as she sticks her thumb down. "Atrocious."

I laugh, "Yeah, Marco doesn't really have a sense of fashion. Or at least it's not my taste."

"Honey, I don't think it's anyone's taste," Elise snorts.

"Too bad you seem to be against dating Justin, I think you would be good for him." She sighs dramatically.

That makes me laugh. "I don't think I'd be good for him at all. He's annoying and obnoxious. We don't get along and that's saying a lot coming from me since I generally like a lot of people. But him? Not so much."

Jemma nods, "We've known Justin for awhile so we are aware of his attitude, but he's not that bad."

"I disagree with that." I mumble, but then I remember that he did do all of this for me. I just can't help, but think that this is one of his evil jokes that he'll pull on me to embarrass me or get a laugh out of for himself.

The other two laugh and get back to work. Before I know it, they're done and I'm ready to go.

"You look absolutely stunning!"

"Magnificent!" Elise adds as well and I smiley at them gratefully. "Thank you so much." I smile back into the mirror, feeling confident and happy.

The outfit was simple, but sophisticated like they said and my makeup was well put together. It was nothing over the top, but nothing plain either. I loved it.

"When would you like me to return the clothes?" I ask the two women. If I have to be honest, the shoes were my favourite part of the whole thing. I'm an absolute sucker for shoes and these were honestly the prettiest things I've ever seen and I just want to wear them and never take them off.

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