Chapter 5: Infuriating models

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Ivy Bell: 

Today, I was sorting out a whole new shipment of fabrics and placing them into piles for future designs. I had until lunch time to get this all done before I would have to help out with another photoshoot later in the day. 

I wasn't looking to my afternoon work because I know that one of the models up there would be Justin Bieber.

I passed by two of my fellow interns that were under Maia's watch, Zoe and Savannah. I don't know Zoe that well, but she seemed to be friends with Savannah since I always see the two of them together. I know Savannah has some unknown dislike towards me so I can somewhat predict that Zoe does as well. 

"Ivory, hurry up!" Maia calls out on me and I rush over to her. I hear the two interns giggle, but I just ignore them as I wait for the next instructions from my superior. 

The Senior Designer was currently with one of the models from the photoshoot. "Go get the boys ready for their outfits, we're behind schedule." She speaks in a hurried voice and I didn't question her orders as I went over to the rack with clothes that had each of the model's names pinned on the front. 

After the guys got changed, I made sure to readjust certain accessories as directed accordingly to the plans of the photoshoot before sending them off to another intern. 

On the other side of the room, Savannah was currently assisting the camera man with the backdrop and the lights, doing whatever she instructed and Zoe was supposedly gone to bring Justin out for the photoshoot.

Oh gosh, the mere thought of his name made me sick to my stomach.

Suddenly, the sound of a door being slammed shut with an aggressive 'bang' is heard, startling everyone in the vicinity. Sure enough, Zoe is stomping out of Justin's private dressing room with a deep scowl on her usually snarky features. 

She lifts her arms up, "I tried, but he just won't listen!" She fumes, walking right past Maia and towards Savannah. "As hot as he is, he's stubborn." Her arms cross over her chest and she slumps into a seat right by the photographer. 

I glance a curious look towards the direction ofJustin's dressing room and roll my eyes. Honestly, this did not surprise me.

Maia frowns, her forehead wrinkling as she shakes her head. "Useless," I hear her mutter before lifting her gaze back up. "Ivy, got get him, will you?" She pleads in a somewhat desperate tone. Well, this was certainly new. However, we're losing time and Maia knows this.

Without a word, I make my way over to the star model's dressing room and open the door without even thinking of knocking first.

That's when I see Justin lounging in a chair in front of the mirror in only his Calvin Klein underwear as he texted away on his phone.

"Oh my God," I yelp, instantly tearing my gaze away from his exposed skin. I know he's somewhat covered, but the view took me off guard.

"You need to get dressed right away." I order in a slightly shaky voice. A part of me is caught off guard while the other is annoyed that he isn't even half way dressed. Can't this guy ever follow any orders? 

Justin tsks and I hear him stand from his seat. "Haven't you ever been taught to knock, little intern?" 

Even though I have my back towards him, I can feel him getting closer towards me. I'm somewhat being cornered towards the door and I begin to inwardly contemplate if I should make a beeline for the hallway while I still can. 

I try to erase the image of his sculpted body out of my mind as I stand up straighter. He's gotten much closer and I can feel him lingering right behind me, already picturing the taunting smirk he wears so often like an accessory. 

The Internship -Justin Bieber-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें