Chapter 3: The photoshoot

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Ivy Bell:

"Hold this, will you?" One of my superiors, Maia, asks as she basically drops a big box of sewing materials into my arms.

I struggle a little bit at first to hold up the heavy box, but I eventually get ahold of it and stay still, watching as Maia pulls out a measuring tape and starts to measure the fabrics out in front of her.

When she finishes, she looks me up and down. "What's your name again?" She questions.

"It's Ivy," I reply, glancing down at my new ID badge pinned to my shirt. I have to wear this every time I enter the building. Jonah took me to take my photo taken and a few hours later I got the badge with my full name and a photo of me on it, stating that I'm an intern here.

He also explained it's like an access badge to certain rooms and floors, but obviously I don't have full unlimited access compared to the other full time workers here like Jonah or Josephine.

Speaking of Josephine, she still seems to always send cold glares my way. Jonah, on the other hand, sends nothing but sweet smiles.

She narrows her eyes at me before nodding. "Right. Ivy."

Maia turns on her heels, walking forward. "Come with me, Ivy." She calls out, sauntering past the intern desks and to the elevator.

I follow behind her and watch as she presses the button to one of the floors where all Ms Mallette's upcoming outfits were stored. "Today, we have a photoshoot going on!" She declares, pushing up her dark chic looking glasses.

Maia is a woman who looks in about her late twenties, but really is in her late thirties according to Jonah, with beautiful dark skin and luscious, curly hair that seemed to engulf her head and sometimes part of her face.

She's one of Ms Mallette's senior designers and has been working for her for about 17 years now. I also learned that she works with a lot of the models that come to do photo shoots for Ms Mallette's clothing line.

The elevator doors ding open and Maia points me to place the box down on the table near by and walks over to the big rows of racks filled with clothing.

She picks the rack with a little tag with the numbers '10:30/06/14/16' on it and starts to roll it towards the elevator again.

We make our way upstairs to one of the photoshoot floors. Wheeling the rack out, we enter the floor and I let my eyes take a good look around the place.

There was a backdrop set up in the back of the room with a camera man adjusting his camera right in front of it. Several people were helping set up the lighting and on the sides there were two long tables with a very large and extended mirror to accompany it.

There were bright lights all around and several models seated in the chairs in front of the mirrors, getting their makeup done by the professionals.

Maia leaves the cart to me and points me to place it by two other racks of clothes and I do as she says.

My superior is right by the models, running them through today's photoshoot.

"Okay, so we are shooting for the fall collection of Ms Mallette's men clothing line." She takes a look around the group of men perched on their seats.

I have to admit, they were all very attractive. "Where's our star model?" Maia frowns, noticing that someone was in fact missing from their seat.

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