Chapter 4: The meeting

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"Tears come from the heart not the brain, so if I stop feeling the pain will go away" a combo line form Leonardo da Vinci

(Y/N)'s PoV

Dinner went by fast. Erina, Kuga, and Eishi senpai made a marvelous meal for the guests and then afterwards they even gave us some food! But of course it had it consequences... In the process of eating someone had lost their shirt... but luckily it was only Tamaki. Afterwards everyone headed to the room we were all staying in. Sadly since we were poor servants we all had to share a room, but it's quite spacious. Closing the door to the room our meeting began.

"Everyone gather round and listen to (Y/N), we have something important to discuss," commanded Erza. 

After everyone sat down I began," Since we're all stuck here I think that everyone here wants to go back to their respectable universes. Apparently we have ended up in a land called Rêver, and this world has a mix of magic, a touch of modern and medieval times. Also the only powerful and god like figure is a headmaster in an elite school, so we're thinking about going there for help."

After saying that everyone is in deep thought, but of course canon boy goes off.

"What do you mean by we I think you mean f***ing you only!" he screams. Woah buddy, I thought you were getting friendlier, but now I'm annoyed. This dude, how has someone not knocked some sense into that thick head of his.

"By we, I mean the people that have agreed to go with me and future people joining," I say back, putting  a hand to my hip.

"You think you're so smart dumbas-

"ENOUGH! STOP FIGHTING BEFORE I SHOVE A POUND OF SOAP DOWN THAT DIRTY MOUTH OF YOURS!" Erza roars, I look at her gulping her face is covering in tick marks and veins popping out of her face. I can see why everyone is so scared of her...

"Now who is coming with us? Decide now because we leave in the morning," she said. After she said that everyone else raised their hands, but with the exception of Bakugou. But after a minute of stares he grumpily raised his hand looking at me with daggers in his eyes. I smirk, but then a face pops up in front of me.

"Hi (Y/N), we have to finish our little game," said Kaoru.

"You remembered your promise right?" added Hikaru

Sighing I nod," yes, I remember lets finish it now." If I answer the questions I could gain more trust, and not seem like a stalker, or at least I'll try to.

"You have only 1 question left since you asked me to play a game with you" I remind

"Ok, then should we start, close your eyes and turn around," says Hikaru, I mumble a yes and do as they say.

"Alright, who am I?" asks both twins. I frown, they actually think I can't tell? I've watched the anime and read the beginning of the manga! This is so easy. I can already tell that Hikaru is on the right and Kaoru is on the left.

"Hikaru is on the right and Kaoru is on the left," I say pointing to them.

"What's your reason?" kaoru asks.

"Umm well, because I watched your anime I can pretty much recognize you too, plus Kaoru is more mature than you Hikaru. Even though I don't really know you, I do kinda..." I start to ramble, why (Y/N)! You sound like a total stalker now!

"You're the first person that could ever tell us apart!" shouted Hikaru

"But didn't Haruchi do it first?" I ask confused, (Haruchi is the MC in their anime/manga)

"Who's Haruchi?" asked Kaoru, tilting his head ever so slightly. They don't know Haruchi?! Their future love interest...

"Oh never mind, but don't you think I'm creepy cause because I know so many things about you and yet you know nothing about me?" I asked

"You dummy, that's why we're asking you questions. We thought you kinda were creepy, but that isn't the case now." answers Kaoru

"Anyways we have one question left, so what were you doing before you came here?" he gestured.

Umm... What was I doing? I just remember lightning? A storm on the way back, and then... white lights and masks? I don't know. Thinking about it makes my head hurt. So I'll simplify my answer.

"I think I was walking home from school?" I say aloud

"You think?" ask Kaoru

"Umm yeah, my memory gets a bit fuzzy?" I confirm.

"See ya," the twins wave and then they join Tamaki

"Oh ok," I say and head to Buffy, so I can get the mats. After coming back I give them to Erina to help me spread them out. 

"(Y/N) there's a problem. Buffy gave us mats that fit 2 people each and she only gave 5 mattresses," says Erina

"So, how is that a problem?" I ask. There are 11 of us if you include happy, but he can just squeeze in.

"There are 3 girls including you (Y/N)," says erina exasperated. 

"So?" I ask. Erina smacks herself in the head and sighs, but mutters something like oblivious girl.

"(Y/N) go back to Buffy and ask her for one more," orders Erina.

"Ok, I'll be back!" I say and I head to buffy.

~A Minute Later~

"Whah! What do you mean she has no more?!" cried Erina

"She told me, she had no more and then weirdly twitched her left eye," I repeated for the 4th time.

"(Y/N) don't you see that there are 3 girls and 7 boys!" she said

"Oh so the boys will have to squeeze together," I ponder

"Oh that might wor-

"NO WAY AM I GONNA BE SQUEEZED BETWEEN THESE IDIOTS" screams Bakugou. Looking at them I can see them all squished like sardines in a can. I sigh, well we all can't be that selfish, so I try to compromise.

"Ok then, why don't you do rock paper scissors with the guys and the loser has to go share with one of us I say pointing to Erza, Erina, and me.

"That seems manageable, answers Todoroki, He finally speaks! Anyways I'm getting side tracked. So I face Erina first.

"Ready 3 2 1 , rock paper scissors saz shoot!" we yell

-I put a rock down and then... Erina puts down paper :(

- (Y/N) versus Erza next and I...lost again

Sighing I turn to face my doom, looking over at the guys it seems they are still going, so I sit back and wait.

Author's Note: Hey there! I think I figured out more of the plot and unnecessary characters, but please let me know if you think the plot is a little too slow.  I'm planning 1-2 more uploads this week, but hey there might be 3-4 if I'm not too busy. Have a good day or good night! Oh yeah, I quickly spell checked and fixed bakugou's name cause for some reason I kept on forgetting the u at the end. 

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