Chapter 1: Skying and making a human chain

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Author's note: Usually, I come up with an actually plot, but in this story I'll just add on stuff, and kinda plan for future chapters... The story might seem a little random, but I promise there'll be an actual plot. I consider each chapter to be around 1000-2000 (average). I so far have uploaded From Prologue to Chapter 2 all in 4 days! So I think I'll be a fast writer unless I get busy with school... or just get the good ol' writer's block. Enjoy!

Nobody's PoV

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Nobody's PoV

"Is she awake yet?" says a voice

"No, it seems the girl is still sleeping," says another

"Did she come with anyone here?" questions a third

"I don't think so, I believe she came by herself," someone answers 

"Man! Why are all the doors locked! And the windows are unbreakable!" cries another in frustration.

"Hikaru and Kaoru, daddy wants you to stay close to me!" a voice cries

"Hey you kuga, aren't you quite short?" says a twin. Measuring him against his back.

"I'm not short dumb A$s!" he cries in response

"What the HeLl you're short you dumb As$!" shouts an ash blond

"Such foul language for a commoner." comments a twin

"Quiet!, and stop fighting before I kick your butts!" commands a voice, and as soon as she says that the three immediately stop.

"Ezra, I think she's stirring." says a cat.

(Y/N)'s PoV

"Uhh... niisan, misako I'm so sorry I got in detention! Please forgive me!!" you groan with tears in your eyes.

"Wait did she just say detention?" say a boy.

"I believe she did," says another.

"But getting detention-

"is not that bad" finishes another.

Why is the girl even crying over f***ing detention!" screams another. Wait where am I? Who are these people? Where is this place? As I groaned I opened my eyes. Opening them I see a girl with red hair slamming three heads together and a smaller group. Woah! Startled I get up quickly and adjust my eyes to the light.

"Daddy's adopted daughter has just woken up!" says a guy with blond hair. Wait 'daddy's daughter'? and the red head? Wait that voice and phrase it has to be Tamaki Suoh!!! And the Red head is Erza Scarlet!!! Whah? Why are these characters here? Am I dreaming? Slapping my cheek, I wince. So I'm not dreaming? Looking at the people surrounding me I gasp. They're all my favorite characters! This is a dream come true! As I squeal in delight, I don't notice the looks I get. 

"Oh, sorry I was spacing out..." I apologize. Man I hope my idols don't become made at me.

"It is fine, I am Erza Scarlet," Erza says

"Oh I already know all your names so you don't need to tell me," I say, oh wait, opps what I said sounds kind of creepy now that I think about it. 

"Hey you," starts Kaoru

"if you know our names, then tell us them," finishes Hikaru. I look over at them, Should I tell them the truth, or should I make make up a lie? After contemplating, I decide to say the truth. I mean I hope they can understand right?

"Umm, I think we started off wrong. I'm (Y/N) (L/N), I'm from planet earth from the milky way galaxy. Oh and I'm 16 years old," I say fidgeting. I wonder if I made myself seem like an alien.

"Tell us every d*mn thing you know about us now," roared Bakugou. He looks like he's about to pop a vein. In fact he's probably the most unfriendly person I've ever seen. He's not that awesome in real life. He's incredibly scary, and I flinch slightly at his tone.

"Umm, well you see... in my world it's probably the closest to Hikaru's, Tamaki's, Kaoru's, Erina's, Kuga's, and Esihi's world. Like you know manga and anime?" I asked. 

I see nods from everyone in the room, phew at least everyone knows what that is... continuing on I say," In my world all of you exist as characters in manga and anime."

"So basically, none of you are real, and the only real person here is me," I stated. 

"That's bs!" shouts Bakugou. 

"So you're saying we don't exist in your world," says Esihi. As he said this I realize, he looks even  better than in the manga and anime combined! And Erina's beauty is out of this world! 

"So, umm why are you all here?" I ask. I mean like why was I pulled here? It is a dream come true, but I want to get back to niisan, and oh shoot I have to do that 20 page packet!

"We are here because we can't exit this room," Happy says while jumping onto Ezra. But immediately Ezra shoots her arm up and slams happy onto the ground. 

"Haven't you tried breaking these doors with your powers?" I ask. Since about 4 people have abilities capable of destruction. 

"Sadly our powers, seem to be diluted, and all things in this room seem indestructible," answered Todoroki. Oh the hot and cold boy spoke! My goodness, this is a dream in heaven. I might as well just make the best use out of this!

Suddenly the ground shakes and then the ceiling starts to cave in on us. Us more normal people were wobbling on the ground. I stumbled forward and then Shoto grabbed my hand and helped me back up. Dusting myself while trying to stand up the ground. The ground gives a final shake and then it cracks open wide. As the ground opens it falls down into the sky?! As I was falling I could see happy failing around screaming and for someone, then he was like oh yeah I can fly and angel wings sprouted from his back. He ran to me first and said "Grab on!" I did as he said and then we continued to make a long chain of people.

"Wah! I hate heights!" screamed kuga gripping my hand even harder. I can see him below crying, though I'm not sure if it's the wind resistance.

"Aww Kuga senpai, do you hate heights because you're so short?" laughs Hikaru along with Kaoru. I feel an evil presence appear from within kuga.

"God Da*mit, you shady twins! I'm not short!!!" screams kuga, and any signs of fear of heights dissipated as wraith filled his face. Kuga then started to shake the chain of people in order to extract revenge, but what he didn't realize was that there were 7 other people below him.

"You shady twins and shorty! Stop shaking the chain!!" said Erza. Her eyes filled with a burning fire and I could she her mouth, those 3 remind me of Natsu and Gray...

Looking down I could see a field coming into view, was it rice? Thanks to Happy we were falling at a slower rate, but as the rice field came closer into view, and Happy of course couldn't hold us any longer and then his wings disappeared. Poof! We all were falling! Happy clung onto me as we headed towards the fields of rice with tons of muddy water filled in every field.  

"DON'T LET GO OF ME!" he screamed, and then we hit mud. :3

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