Prologue: It's just another boring day

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So cute >o<, anyways let's move onto the story...

"There's nothing crueler than letting a dream end midway

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"There's nothing crueler than letting a dream end midway..." a quote from the yellow sleeping bag.

(Y/N)'s PoV__________________________________________

It's 9th period and now I've just been zoning out. After all first days of school are so exhausting. Mr. Aizawa is looks like he hasn't slept in days just as my older brother told me. He's just siting there talking yap yap yap. He's pointing to the board and then handing out a 20 page thick homework assignment. WAIT- 20 pages! No way he gave me half as much yesterday! I sigh and slump further into my seat. Things start to blur as I fall asleep...

"(Y/N) are you sleeping?"

"(Y/N)! Mr. Aizawa is coming!"

"(Y/N)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You idiot!"

"Whah?" I groan, is someone calling me? I rub my eyes and look up. There Mr. Aizawa is looming right in front of me. Oh no! Why did I fall asleep! I know Mr. Aizawa's gonna kill me! He's famous for expelling kids who don't measure up in just a second, after they enter his class. Sweat beads down my face. I just made a horrible first impression.

"(Y/N), please see me after class" Mr. Aizawa drawls. I can see his creepy face and blood shot eyes.  He's definitely gonna kill me! 

"Yes, Mr. Aizawa" I say. Staying after school on the first day sucks. What's worse is that I got stuck with the most notorious teacher himself. 

After he leaves to go back up the the front, Misako says "Man (Y/N), I'm so sorry for you, but girl what were you doing!? You just conked out in class and out of all of them you just had to choose this one!"

"Uhh... I know, I'm just really tired because I was up till 2 reading bnha," I sigh. Things have gotten so interesting last issue! And the fanfic I was reading about broccoli boy and Katy Perry was to die for!

"Anyways (Y/N), do you want to do this 20 page homework assignment at my house afterwards? You know when you get released from school?" Misako says

"Yeah sure, but I don't know if I'll get out alive..." you lament. Misako and I were working on the pile of AP classwork and before we knew it the bell rang. 

"(Y/N) I'll see you soon. Later" Misako said while giving me a sympathetic smile.

"Bye Misako" I say. With a sigh I put my stuff in my bag and head towards the teacher.

"Mr. Aizawa, what did you want to talk about?" I ask politely, but my eyes twitch suddenly and now I'm sure it looks like I'm incredibly annoyed. 

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