Chapter 2: We'll pay with our bodies!

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(Y/N)'s PoV

As Happy finished screaming a prayer we landed on the mud. Well, when I mean by we, it was Tamaki, Kuga, Katsuki, and Erina that hit the mud. Everyone else just piled on top. So thankfully I wasn't muddy too much unlike the 4 that were screaming their heads off.

"Hikaru! Kaoru save daddy!" cried Tamaki.

"No way mi'lord you're a disgusting commoner now" replied Hikaru.

"Someone! Get me back home! My face and tongue are ruined!" cried Erina, but even she was handling this better than her senpai.

"Kaaww!!! Ugch!!" coughed kuga who's head was being smashed into the mud by Bakugo, who was currently having a mental break down. Kuga's face was further submerged when Bakugo started smooching his butt on Kuga's head. 

"Ughhehhr!!" cried Kuga.

"Bakugou! Get up! You're drowning kuga!" I yelled. But for some reason I was the only person that wasn't freaking out, besides Erina and Shoto. In fact Erina was studying the local ducks used to kill the bugs that would harm the rice crops. Sighing I shoved Bakugou into the mud. Grabbing kuga's head gently I raised his head out of the water.

"Cough, cough, Uhh... I feel sick..." he said and with that he collapsed against my chest. 

"Kuga senpai! Why!!!" I groaned, he just smeared mud all over my pink tee, but luckily I'm wearing shorts. Or my pants would have been soaked too. Looking around I can see the twins throwing mud balls and splattering it everywhere.  Bakugou is still mentally screaming and Tamaki is crying in a corner, while erina is trying everything she can to get the mud off her school uniform. Everyone else is just sitting down and I guess thinking?

"Umm hello kuga senpai? Can you wake up?" I ask, but all I get are moans in return. 

"Oi! Everyone I think we should take that dirt road there and hope to find any town nearby," I said.

Erza suddenly appears and then commands" Get up, we're moving! Since there's a patch of rice we can assume there are farmers near here!"

"What happens if we don't find another person?" Ask Kaoru

"Then we'll eat the local bugs and ducks!" Erza explains going into a full speech about survival. groaning everyone finally gets up, but Bakugou, Tamaki, and Kuga. Eishi offers to hold Kuga for me, but for some reason we can't pull him off me? The harder we try, the harder he clings. It's really annoying, but with Eishi's help we get him on my back. Todoroki picks up Bakugou, but doesn't seem to happy to be stuck with him. While the Twins drag Tamaki behind them. His tears still flow as he sleeps and his head is literally brown with dirt from being dragged. We set off down the dirt road. 

Twenty four hours later we trudged through the road. I had stopped carrying Kuga and now he too was being dragged. Even Todoroki gave up and Bakugou was being dragged, but their faces now just looked like a dried mud monster. We had walked through the night and now we're all really grumpy. I feel like dying. Looking up ahead I see a small square. What a square! Squinting I see smoke! Thank god! I'm saved!

"There's smoke! Up ahead!" I shout. Immediately everyone's heads snap up and look ahead.

"Mi'lord there's smoke ahead!" shouts Hikaru.

"Thank god!" mutters Todoroki. 

"I'm saved..." whispers Eishi. Looking at him, I can see that he is the exact definition of a zombie (not green tho) he has hollow cheeks and eyes that are almost shut closed. His hair is now a bird's nest and I can already see some eggs in there.

"Race you there!" Shouts Erza. Then she sprints off. Not wanting to be last I run dragging Kuga and happy behind me. (I forgot to mention Happy hitched a ride on Kuga's face).

No one's PoV

The group got to their destination and to their surprise the building happened to be an inn. Everyone sighed in relief and a large buff woman came out to greet them.

"Please give us a room and a bath ticket!" asks Eishi.

"Do you good look'in kids have any money?" she roars

"No, but we are willing to do anything! We'll pay with out bodies instead," answers Erza. Everyone expect the buff woman and Erza stiffened up. At the same time everyone thought: Is she crazy? Oh wait she's oblivious...

"Very well, since you're all good look'in younglins you'll pay with your bodies!" she screams. Everyone gulped expect those that were unconscious  and Erza.

(Y/N)'S PoV

Thank the lord, she gave us today off. Buffy (the Buff lady) gave us clean close surprisingly close to what I normally wore. I took a bath with Erza, and Erina and during that time we discussed a plan and learned much about this world we were in from Buffy. Apparently, this world is called Rêver. It's has aspects from my world, the medieval times, and some magic from Fairy Tail's world. In this world, it is approximately 100 times the size of earth and only about the 1,000,000,000 people inhabit this place. Much of the land is unexplored. The area we're in right now is called Kino. Which is a small country side village. Based off of the info we got, there is a legendary school that is run by an immortal, where only the best of the best can get in. There are so many applicants but many never pass the tests. Also there's a rumor that if you pass 1st year then you can get any wish granted and I mean any. The stories of wishes we've heard are pretty weird, but it's our only chance of getting out. So we have planned with each other to tell the boys this idea. Now Rubbing my skin dry I change into the clothes that were given and headed to the kitchen. When I said she gave today off, I lied she asked us to help make dinner, but that shouldn't be an issue since I'm a great baker and loved to cook with niisan a lot. Running out, I head to the kitchens. 

When I enter it seems like I'm the only one there? I guess I bath quickly. Oh wait, Buffy's there.

"Hey Buffy" I call

"Hey (Y/N)! Come on in, for tonight's dinner I need you to sort out who will be servers, chefs, a cashiers, and a host. Also please come up with a menu too! I leave the preparations all to you, so basically you're the manger that will watch over everyone and help out too! I'll be gone to buy groceries! See ya!" she says, and with that she rams through the wall cracking it and walking through... I pick up the paper Buffy left, and read it. My eyes pop out of my eyes. We need to serve 300 people! Right then all hope drains from my eyes, but then a light bulb appears. I have Kuga, Eishi, and Erinasama! With that I grin and start assigning roles...

Author's Note: I know (or at least I think) it's so boring right now... Sorry, but next chapter will get more interesting (I hope). Next chapter will definitely be longer too! I just had to end it quick because of homework :( P.S Sometimes I don't read my work, so if there's a spot that's a bit iffy please feel free to let me know. Have a great day!

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