UnstableDay x Reader

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I kinda had writers block lol- I'll try to post more often because I feel like myself again-

Requestes by KathyJane12 & Finger_tap

You had become a well known figure with the Day's. Albert introduced you do them and they all accepted you. One of the Day's actually caught your eye, Unstable day, if you can remember correctly, was his name. And we're talking extremely unstable. But, you liked that for an odd reason. Maybe you could consider him a crush, but so quickly? Maybe. You never really had any big crushes before, but this seemed like one.

One day, the day's decided to go somewhere, they never told you where, just that they were going. And apparently they trusted you to stay alone with Unstable, apparently he couldn't come because of shooting one of them with a gun he got ahold of. That concerned you because you were going to be alone with him, but you agreed to stay, trying to be polite like the nice person you are.

"Keep an eye on Unstable, okay? You never know what he'll do." Great Day said, listing where everything was before leaving with the others. "I will! I promise." You smiled before glancing at him, only to see him just watching you too, glaring at Great Day? You couldn't tell.

"Nobody gets this trust often, (Y/N). I'm expecting to come back and everything not be on fire." Great said. "Haha, of course I'll- wait what?" You said. "Have a great time." He said before closing the door.

"Well that was rude to not answer my question." You grumbled, looking at Unstable now, an awkward silence in the air until you broke it. "So! Um, while their gone what would you like to do?" You asked, smiling.

He just mumbled something and started pacing, fiddling with his hands and laughing suddenly every now and then. "Okaayy.. I see you might not want to talk! That's fine." You said, trying to make as much small talk as possible.

"Thinking." He mumbled, but it was loud enough for you to hear. "You're thinking? About what?" You asked. "Something! Ahaha-!" He laughed, staring at you. Disturbing. "Okay then.." you said quietly, sitting on the couch. Unstable walked over to the couch and sat beside you. You didn't mind at all honestly.

You were in your own thoughts until you felt the couch shaking. You snapped out of your daydreaming and saw Unstable holding himself, looking at you with a confused expression, yet he was grinning, it was disturbing to you to say the least, but you were extremely concerned.

"Why do you make me feel this way..?" He asked, wrapping his arms around you suddenly. You turned pink and quietly hugged him. "What do you mean?" You questioned, whispering.

"I feel.. fuzzy when I'm with you." He said, hugging you tighter. You realized what he meant, smiling to yourself. "You love me?" You asked. He stayed quiet for a dew seconds before laughing manically. "AHAHAH-! Yes! That's it! I love you!~" He looked at you and kissed your cheek. Your face heated up, turning pink to red. "I- I love you too then!" You smiled slightly as he continued to just- kiss you.

"Yay! Love love love! I love this!~" He laughed at his own joke. "I'll be the best boyfriend ever!"
I tried to make him unstable- like really unstable but I probably failed I'm so sorry akfndlleke

Word count: 578.

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