XijQl x Reader

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ahhaah this is gonna bE EPICCC
let's get right into the noos- oneshot.

Requested by ThirteenAlgernon.

"Alright, you can do this (Y/N).." You mumbled to yourself as you were about to go see a myth, called XijQl that had invited you over. Which terrified you from what you've seen him done. But you had to be brave. Maybe you'll survive! Maybe..
"Don't talk to yourself nerd." Albert laughed through his mic. "I'm here too y'know." You were in a voice call on discord with your pal, Albert. Giving you information about him.
"Hey shush! I'm nervous!" You giggled, rolling your eyes. "And you think I wasn't when I saw him?"

"You're scared of everything." You joke, smirking. "That's- almost true!" He replied, chuckling. "Alright. I'm gonna go see him now.." you mumble, about to end the call. "Bye dude! Don't die when you're there!" He laughed again. "No promises." You said before ending the call. Sighing to yourself.
"I'll make it. Yeah... I know I will."

Timeskip to when you get there . . .

He was there, waiting for you right when you arrived. He waved at you, to which you waved back shyly. "Hello.." you smiled, trying to be polite. "Another girly boy, yes?" He said, a small smile plastered on his face.

"What?" You questioned, tilting your head. Did he have messed up grammar like AloneTraveler? Maybe. "Come please! I have playdate with girly boy, yes!" He grabbed your hand and started walking, you kinda were forced to since he had a tight grip on your hand. Not tight enough to hurt you though. "Stay!" He said, more of a command as he let go of your hand. "Alright..?" You mumbled, confused about what he was going to do. That is, until a giant ball went flying past you, inches away, you yelled and jumped away. XijQl was grinning. "Game!" He exclaimed, grabbing another sphere. "No- NO NO NO!" You yelled, backing away. Was this suppose to be a life or death game?

He started throwing them, and god were they coming quick. It was happening so fast that you didn't know how you were dodging them, mere inches or centimeters away. He suddenly ran towards you and tackled hugged you. "Good job!" He said. "You win!" He smiled at you, still hugging you. Your face was red, a mixture from avoiding your possible death, and him just hugging you like a child.

He was practically cuddling you as you sat up. "Girly boy is good at the game!" "I have a name y'know.. it's (Y/N)." You mumbled, slightly flustered because of what he was doing. "(Y/N)?" He said, tilting his head. "(Y/N) is pretty!" He laughed. You smiled. "Thanks.. I guess.." you giggled quietly.

"Visit again?" He asked, letting you go and standing up along with you. "Of course!" You smiled as you walked off back to home, waving at him. He waved back at you. "Bye pretty (Y/N)! See you later!"


Hahahaha yeehaw buster I did another oneshot
I'm glad I got this out of the way because I wanted to give the people what they want :)))

Word count: 528.

Roblox Myths X Reader OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin