AloneTraveler x Reader

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He also has a deep voice like hecc he could step on me :weary:

If he finds this I will commit neck rope

Requested by LunerCat_1

"And.. there." You mumbled to yourself, finishing wrapping bandages on Selozar's arm after he had be injured. "Thank you.." he said in a whisper, smiling at you. "It's no problem Sel." You replied, smiling back at him.

"Uleanra no!" You shouted, stopping him from dumping kool-aid on himself, again. "No no no no- you can't have it." You lectured. "Remember last time?"

Alone would always watch you take care of Uleanra like you were their mother. And he hated it with a passion. He always questioned why he was jealous about how much time you have with them. Did you love them? Or maybe you wanted to make him feel this way.

"(Y/N)." He said sternly, glaring at Selozar and Uleanra, they both looked down at the ground, nervous and scared about what was about to happen. "Hm-? Yes, Alone?" You turned around and gave him a warm smile. God, that made him feel like his stomach knotted up. "Talk." He said, less stern this time. You nodded, looking at Selozar and Uleanra. "I'll be right back." And with that, you walked into the living room with Alone.

"What do you want to talk about Alone-?" You asked, curious about what he wanted. You had noticed his strange behavior, but never thought anything of it really, until now. "Why give Selozar and Uleanra so attention much?" He asked, growling under his breath. "I just want to take care of them." You said. "Unlike some people." You murmured so he wouldn't hear. "Besides, they're my friends."

And then just like that, it all clicked in your mind. "Alone.. are you jealous?" You asked, half lidded eyes and a smirk on your face. His eyes widened, as he faked a laugh. "Me-? No! No no, no jeal..ous.." He said slowly. "Mm.. maybe??" He added, looking at you.

"And.. why? Besides all the attention I'm giving them apparently." You asked, putting your hands on your hips. "You do love them?" He asked, you shook your head, giggling to yourself. "No.. any other questions?" "You do love me?"

He asked, your face turned pink. "I- aha.. alright Alone." You put your hands up, as if you were denying something. "You caught me, I do, I love you." You mumbled, slightly embarrassed that you were confessing this way.

Alone smirked evily, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Give me more attentions sometimes.." He whispered before kissing you. Your face heated up in a millisecond, but you melted into the kiss quickly.

He pulled away, still smirking. "Am father now? Since you act like mother?" He asked, you laughed. "Yeah, sure, you're a father now."

"Will be good lover!"

Alone is a father that beats his kids now this is epiccc

This is so epic can we get 50 ROUX and beat 25 children

Word count: 514.

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