"Yeah. I mean, do you think I ask Davenport which shoe goes on which foot? No! I label them "left" and "not left. " Adam says putting his shoes on the table to show us the labels.

Chase laughs a little, "Okay, Bree. Attach the chip extractors to the capsules. I'll program the computer for chip removal. And Adam, you Jus-just get in your capsule."

"Whoo!"Adam cheers and quickly runs to his capsule.

"Now, you guys, I have the most important job of all for you. Now, once we get inside, I'm going to need one of you to push this green button." Chase says to me and Leo like we're children.

"Do we look like we're wearing diapers to you?" I say while Leo says, "Yeah. And then I'll push the button that makes you stop talking to us like we're five."

Chase shrugs and quickly runs to his capsule.

I look at Leo, "So, who's gonna push the button?"

"I want to do it." He says squinting his eyes.

"But, I want to do it too!"

We stand their arguing for a second when finally I decide to just push the button.

Leo looks at me disappointed. He'll get over it.

We watch as their bodies kind of look like they're glowing, and we can see the chips in their necks.

"OH, NO! MY HEAD'S COMING OFF!" Adam suddenly screams.

I quickly look for a way to turn it off while Leo spazes out.

Adam chuckles, "Ha. Kidding."

I sigh.

Once the lights stop flowing, they step out of their capsules.

"Do you think it worked?" Leo asks.

"I don't know. Hey, Adam, let's arm wrestle." Chase says and directs Adam to the table.

They set their arms, and Chase quickly wins the arm wrestle.

Everyone stares in shock at what we just witnessed.

"Ahh! Yes! Who's got the tiny, doll-like body now?" Chase cheers.

"Still you." I say giggling a little.

Leo gains a little too much confidence, "Oh! I'm next!"

Leo places his hand on the table to battle Adam.

"Leo..." Adam starts but is interrupted.

"This is gonna be a piece of cak-Aaah!" Leo yells in pain when his arm hits the table.

I laugh, and Adam looks at me and smiles.

Davenport walks in, "Hey, hurry up, you guys. You're gonna be late for school."

Everyone starts to play it cool, we'll kind of.

"Oh. Hey, Big D. Um, just a simple question. What would happen if three totally random, bionic kids decided to switch their chips?" Leo asks approaching Davenport.

"He's not asking for them, it's for three of our other bionic friends." I say trying to back him up.

What is wrong with me? I guess I don't do well under pressure.

"Wait, you have three other bionic friends?" Adam says standing infront of me.

I look at him not knowing what to say.

"How could you not tell us? We could get, like, a mini-Van and car pool." He says excitedly.

Davenport looks at them, "You guys didn't switch your chips, did you?"

Crazier. (Lab Rats fanfic/Adam Davenport)Where stories live. Discover now