Chapter 9 - The vacation

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It was the end of the week and I haven't heard of Parker and Amanda, thankfully. I was really good in avoiding people. My past days were spent in my room binge watching movies with Cath and Bella. I had no appetite but it was quite good because I was leaving today to go to the beach. My figure will look at it's best. Not that there would be anyone I could impress. So I packed all of my fancy dresses and the most expensive bikinis I owned. I was going to rest there and have some fun.

Mr. Hemsworth was waiting for us (the group of students) next to a really big bus. The bus was bigger than I had expected. Don't tell me not only our class was coming because I wasn't prepared for it. I stepped into the bus looking for two empty seats and sat alone in the one next to the window, carefully leaving my luggage on top of my head in a small compartment. I began to scan all the people coming into the bus. OH NO! Amanda and Parker were coming towards the bus with suitcases. No no no. This can't happen. There was nothing I could do now and
it was too late to run away. I just lowered myself into my seat and hoped I could disappear from the world. I peaked a little to see what was going on outside and why no one was coming. Amanda hanged up her phone and seemed pissed. She hugged Parker and gave him a little peck on the cheek, while she carried her suitcase back into the campus. Phew. At least Amanda seemed like she wasn't going to come. Parker seemed rather happy that his 'girlfriend' wasn't coming.

I felt his presence coming closer and closer. His expensive cologne was filling the whole bus, smelling amazingly. How can someone I barely know affect me so much. I didn't look at him and  tried to focus on the people outside, but I felt his eyes looking at me. As if he wanted to sit next to me but I felt someone jump next to me and shout "I'm sitting here". I then realized that Luke was standing next to me with a big smile, while Parker looked kind of disappointed. Thank God. I felt that Parker took the seat exactly behind me and I felt his knees brush my back through the bus seat. I think he purposely sat behind us just to eavesdrop on our conversation if we even had one, but the moment I said it Luke started talking. I guess he felt the tension that grew between the three of us.

"I didn't know you would come. Now that you're here I feel it would be much better." he smiled and winked at me. At least I wasn't going to be alone. Maybe I could give Luke a chance.

"I am feeling better too now that you're here." I chuckled lightly but stopped almost immediately after someone behind me kicked my seat.

"Hey, mate. Can you stop with the kicking, you are making Rose uncomfortable. Because you two didn't work as a couple doesn't mean you can't stay friends. And I'm sure Rose will find someone better." he said obviously referring to himself.

"It's okay Luke." I said pretending that he wasn't bothering me. Oh how much I wanted to turn around and shout everything that went through my mind for the past few days.

The ride was really long and I slept through most of it. As we arrived I saw Parker talking about something with Mr. Hemsworth but he looked hesitant to whatever Parker was saying to him. I walked pass them and struggled to carry my luggage because of how much I packed. I felt a grab on my luggage and I sighed from relief. Parker was carrying my luggage? And how does he know where was my room? We walked in silence but when we walked into the room he threw my luggage on the ground and pined me to the wall. Kissing me passionately and feeling his body get tense from my touch, I knew I wasn't the only one who was affected from his touch.

"I can't." I stopped pushing myself from his body. I can't just give myself to him no matter how much my body was craving his.

"I-I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you and I shouldn't want to be in a room with you. I'm so sorry." He said rushing to pick his things from the floor and rushes quickly from the door.

I had a shower and dressed for the first dinner in the hotel

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I had a shower and dressed for the first dinner in the hotel. I wore silky revealing cream dress, which hugged my whole body like a glove. It had been 5 hours since we arrived and Parker never returned. I wish he didn't go. I wanted him to stay but I know he shouldn't have. He cheated on his girlfriend and now i'm feeling guilt all over my body. I feel dirty for what happened but I stopped the kiss before it escalated into something much more.

I went straight to the restaurant after I put on some makeup and my expensive perfume. I realized I had the necklace from Parker still on me. I hope he doesn't see it because he'll think I like him or something.

Everyone drank until they weren't themselves anymore but I didn't feel like it. There was no sign of Mr. Hemsworth anymore not that his presence affected someone. We all headed to a club after the restaurant and someone there gave me a cup of some kind of alcohol. I drank it and everything got dizzy.

Random guys swapped me between them and danced with me

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Random guys swapped me between them and danced with me. I felt only the urge to dance and scream my lungs. This time the feeling was different, this time I couldn't control even one bit of myself. Everything went from blurry to clear and the very loud music and screaming people energized me even more. The more I danced the less clear vision I had. Before I could realize that I was kissing a random guy, I felt a tight grip on my leading me outside the club. No matter how blurry it was I knew this scent. It was Parker.

"Let go off me NOW." I say trying to jerk off but he is obviously stronger than me.

"What the hell were you doing?" he almost growled out of anger.

"Who the hell are you to - hiccup - to.." my eyes closed and I fainted. I think someone drugged me. I hope everything will be alright when I wake up.

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