Lilac Joins

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Ok I changed and edited the last chapter. I didn't change a lot though. I only changed it from Lucy asking Lilac to be her sister. Instead I put daughter. You are probably trying to think why I did this. Well that is because I thought Lilac was 6 years old. She didn't need siblings she needed parents. So I made Lucy and Sting her adopted parents. I hope that is alright....?


~Lucy's P.O.V~

When I woke up the next morning Lilac was still in my arms asleep and Sting was still asleep holding me.

I quietly got up and walked over to the bathroom to use it and brush my teeth and hair.

After I had just finished brushing all the knots out of my hair I walked out of the bathroom to see Lilac sleeping in Sting's arms.

"Awwww..... That is just to cute!" I whispered to myself as I pulled out a camera from my desk drawer and snapping a picture of them.

"The girls are going to love this!" I whispered as I placed the camera and picture in the drawer and walking into the kitchen to make some breakfest.


I had just finished makein breakfeast and was placeing everyones plate on the table when Luna, Rouge, Zeref-Nii, and Rena came walking into the kitchen. She moved in the day she joined the guild and she shares a room with Zeref-Nii.

Star and Sunshine were in the spirit world. Since we found out they were special exceeds we also found out thst they could turn into keys and go to the celestial world. They live there with Virgo because like all other spirits they have to go there so they don't become week and since they have been in a egg for so long they have to live there for a while. They still visit though.

"Good Morning!" I greeted them all.

"Good Morning Lucy. Why did you set an extra plate of food on the table?" Luna asked as she rubbed her eyes while sitting at the table. The others doing the same.

"The extra plate is for Lilac." I said sitting at the table next to Luna.

"Who's Lilac?" Zeref-Nii asked.

"Good Morning!" Sting said walking into the kitchen while carrying Lilac. Lilac had her arms around stings neck and her legs around his waist. She had her head rested on his shoulder with her eyes closed.

The only thing raceing through my head at that moment was 'So Cute!!'.

"Good Morning Sting!" I said walking over to him and placeing a kiss on his cheek.

"Good Morning Lilac!" I said placeing a kiss one her forhead.

"Good Morning....." She mummbled out with her eyes still closed.

"That's Lilac? Why is she here?" Zeref-Nii asked.

"Yes. This is Lilac and she will be staying with us for now on. I adopted her as my daughter." I said.

"You what!" Luna and Zeref-Nii shouted wakeing everyone and thereselves up completely.

"I adopted her as my and Stings child. Her name is Lilac Heartfilia." I said simply.

'I will explain everythin later' I told them all through mind link.

They just nodded.

"How old is she?" Rena asked.

"She's 6 years old." Sting said.

"Ok Lilac are you hungry?" I asked as Sting sat her in a chair in between me and his chair. she nodded her head.

My True Power (Fairytail fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz