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*Lucy's P.O.V*

'The battle is finally over' I thought to my self as I looked around every where. Taking in the destruction of the town.

Everybody was now awake from being unconscious and the towns people were coming out of their homes.

The others began to circle around me and Lilac. Telling us how we did good and how Lilac sure has grown stronger.

"Minna...." I mumbled out as my eyes began to turn glossy. They all stopped talking and turned their attention towards me.

"So.....sleepy...." I mumbled before I fell backwards and drifting of into the darkness.

*Sting's P.O.V*

"Lucy!" I yelled as she fell backwards unconscious.

Before she could hit the ground I swiftly moved beside her and grabbed her.

She ended up landing in my lap with Lilac on top of her.

"We need to get back to Fairy Tail. Lucy and Lilac are terribly injured." Erza said.

"We can't. They are injured really bad and need to be healed. Those attacks that Darcy chick sent at us have drained me of my energy so I can't heal them." Luna said.

"What about you Wendy?" Natsu asked.

"I can't help them either. All I can do is make the pain go away. I can't heal the cuts and they are bleeding really badly." Wendy said looking over their bodies. "Especially Lucy. She took a lot with having those energy sucking orbs hit her and still getting back up and fighting. She took a lot of damage and used up the rest of her energy." She continued.

"Lucy...Lilac..." I whispered as I looked down at them. My family is hurt. I'm supposed to protect them and yet I couldn't.

"Um...excuse me... But I may be able to help...I helped the young lady there recover when she was fighting." A lady said walking towards us. She had long shoulder length brown hair and green eyes.

"You can? Do you know healing magic?" I asked.

"Yes I do. But like that little girl I can only help take the pain away. But I have trained to become a nurse so I can help them. Just bring them to the towns medical clinic that I own and work in." She said as she directed the way.

We nodded our heads yes as Rouge came over and lifted Lilac up and began carrying her. I then lifted Lucy up as I carried her bridal style.

The woman led the way and a few houses we arrived at a small building that had a sign with the word 'Clinic' on it.

"By the way, my name is Arisa." She said while unlockin the door and leading us in.

"You can place the two on the beds over there." She said nodding her head towards where the beds are while she washed her hands.

I walked over to the beds and laid Lucy on one of them. Rouge laid Lilac on the bed next to hers.

"Ok. First I'm going to heal them both and check if they have any serious cuts that will need stitching." Arisa said while placeing her hands over Lucy.

A light yellow glow began emitting from her hands as she began healing Lucy.

"Do you mind healing the little girl, young one?" Arisa asked Wendy.

"Oh. Right away!" Wendy said scurrying over to Lilac side as she placed her hands over Lilacs chest and a blue light began glowing around her hands and on Lilacs chest as she healed her.

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