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~Lucy's P.O.V~

"He's our big brother thats what." Luna said. " I mean we just said it like a few minutes ago."

"But how in the flames of hell is he your older brother!?" Natsu yelled.

"Well it starts of with our parents and-""Not like that i mean how is he your big brother!?" Natsu yelled interupting Luna.

"Well maybe its the fact that he was born first probably..." I said. 'I mean how stupid can Natsu get!? -.-' i thought to myself.

"But he's evil!" Gray yelled.

"No he isnt!" Luna yelled.

"He killed millions of people!" Bisca yelled.

"Thats because he was put under a spell and was forced to do it!" I yelled.

"How do we know thats even true!?" Levy yelled.

"Like this! Follow me!" I snapped while crossing my arms and walking into the castle. 'I mean for real. I know people see him as the dark mage but he really isnt! He was forced to do all that stuff. why wont people just learn that he isnt evil.' I thought to myself as we walked into an empty room with only a table and a crystal ball in the middle.

"How is a empty room goona prove his innocence?" Cana asked.

"Like this." I said walking to he crystal ball then put my hands on it and started thinking back about the day when big brother was put under a spell and as i did a bright light shined through the room.

"Wow! what is this?" Wendy asked.

"Im going to show you my memories from that day." I said.


~3rd person P.O.V~

"Big brother~!" Little Lucy and Luna yelled running up to a little Zeref and hugged him.

"Big brother can we go exploreing in the forest?" Little Lucy asked. 

"Sure! Lets go!" Little Zeref said.

They were walking in the forest when a big wolf demon jumped out and attacked little Lucy.

"EEEEKKKK! Big brother help!" Little Lucy screamed.

"Lucy!" little Luna and little Zeref yelled at the same time.

Zeref ran over to the wolf Demon and grabbed it by the neck then through it at a tree. 

"Run!" Little Zeref yelled at the little girls.

"But big broth-""I said RUN!" little Zeref yelled interupted the little girls pleads.

Not wanting their big brother to be mad at them they got up and ran away crying. But, they didnt run far. Once they got a good distance of where they could still see their big brother fighting the wolf demon they climed a tree and watched him to make sure they stayed safe.

As the little girls watched the fight they saw a hooded figure walk up to their big brother and the wolf demon. He grabbed the wolf demon by the neck and killed it by snapping its neck. To stop form screaming the little girls covered their mouth with both of their wide eyes stareing at the figure makeing sure that they dont get spotted or that he dosnt do anything to their big brother.

The hooded figure walked over to little Zeref and helped him of the ground.

"Thank you for saving m-" Little Zeref was cut off by the hooded figure grabbing him by the neck and lifting him off the ground and started chanting some weird words.

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