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*Stings P. O. V*

''Here we come Lilac... "

"How are we suppose to find Lilac and Asuca? We have no clues? " Levy asked.

"She has a point. We have no leads on where to search. " Mira sighed.

"Well we have to do something! Lucy Is currently on her death bed and Lilac and Asuca are being held captive! " I yelled.

"Sting calm the hell down! We need to think! We can't just run around with no plans or clues! " Erza yelled as she bonked me on the head.

I grumbled profanities under my breath when all of a sudden Jet came running towards us.

"I'm so glad I was able to catch up to you guys in time! This holographic Lacrima just appeared at the guild. Master said you should probably watch it. " he said as he held out the Lacrima towards us.

I quickly took it and turned it on before throwing it in the air and watching as a video popped up.

It showed a person wearing a black cloak with gold linings staring at the Lacrima. In the background showed both Lilac and Asuca tied to a chair with tape over their mouths and on Lilacs wrist were magic barriers, used to block her magic so she can't use it.

"In order to Receive these two little brats back and the potion to save Lucy Heartfilia, you must bring me all 12 of her zodiac keys. You have 1 week before the curse Lucy is under will effectively end her life. Goodbye. " the voice said before the video was cut short.

I stared, horrified at the blank hologram screen as my eyes began to water.

"W-what do we do.....? " Levy whispered. "We can't give him Lu-chans keys! And we can't let Lu-chan die, so what do we do!? "

"Calm down Shrimp.... " Gajeel said as he pulled her in his arms.

"We have to give him Lucy's keys..... " I whispered.

"What!? We can't do that! Even if we do that, Lucy will probably kill us and herself for giving her spirits away!" Luna yelled.

"Don't you see! We have no choice! If we don't give him the keys, not only will Lucy die, but also, Lilac and Asuca could also die as well! "in yelled.

"Stingy boy here is the one who is right now. Let's go back and think of a plan. " Lexus said before we all headed back to the guild.

*Lucy's P. O. V*

I was floating in darkness again as I tried to stop the tears that floaded out of my eyes as my whole body was in pain and the thought of me never seeing my family swished around in my mind.

Suddenly, there was a bright flash and the darkness began to morph into my old home.

I was a little girl again and I was running around in the castle, playing with Luna and Zeref-nii.

It was one of my most favorite memories and I couldn't help but smile as I watched little me running around happily.

But everything started changing. Blood began to drip down the walls and dead bodies began to pop up everywhere and one by one, my whole family were standing in front of me, all bloody with no eyes. Just empty black pits.

Little me came walking up towards me and smiled creepily before plunging a knife intimate stomach.

I screamed loudly before everything went black.

*Stings P. O. V*

When we finally reached the guild, an ear piercing scream was heard, making me wince as I tried to cover my ears before they began to bleed.

When the scream finally died down, bits of pieces began to connect Jan my brain as I realized who that scream belonged to. Lucy.

I quickly ran into the guild and towards the infirmary to see Cana trying to strap Lucy to the bed while Porlyusica tried to clean the wound on her stomach.

'Wait! Wound? '

"What happened! " I yelled. Cana's head snapped towards me as she quickly began to try to explain.

"We don't know! Lucy was laying on the bed still when all of a sudden she began breathing heavy and started screaming. As she was screaming what looked like a stab wound began to appear on her stomach! " she frantically said.

"This is bad! Very very bad... " Porlyusica said once she had Lucy all situated.

"What is wrong?" Master asked.

"It seems that whatever she just experienced is taking its toll on her physical body. Meaning if she were to get hurt in her dreamworld not only would she feel it but her physical body would show the mark. " she explained worryingly.

"Doesn't that mean if Lucy-san dies in the dead dreamworld she will die in the real world.... " Wendy whispered, scared to know.

"Yes......" Porlyusica responded sadly.

"Dammit! " I yelled angrily as I turned around and punched a hole in the wall. "Now what!? It doesn't matter if we have a week or not now! "

"Sting. The video lacrima. Let me see it. " Zeref said as he held his arm out.

I stared at him confused before handing him the crystal. He took it and turned it on before throwing it up into the air.  As the video started, he quickly paused it.

"I knew it.... " he muttered as he stared at the hologram.

"Knew what? What did you know? " I asked, confused.

"This man. Don't you remember him Luna? " Zeref said as he turned towards his younger sister.

She stared at the hologram for a moment before realization dawned on her as her eyes widened.

"That's the man that cursed you all those years ago! " she yelled as she pointed at the hologram.

"Exactly. That's the man. And If I remember correctly, I know exactly where his base is. " he said as he began thinking.

"That's great! That means we can bust in there, beat the crap out of everyone, get the potion, lilac, and Asuca, and leave. Simple. " Natsu said smiling happily.

"No... We can't do that. They are very powerful. We need a plan. " Zeref said as he began to think.

"Maybe we can help.... " Like (or Leo) said as he appeared with the other zodiacs behind him.

"What do you mean? " lissana asked.

"He wants us. So then give him our keys stupid girl. " Aquarius snapped as she glared at Lissana.

"What! We can't do that! Lucy would flip! " Levy yelled.

"It's OK. Our job as celestial spirts is to protect our master. Even if it means dieing." Virgo said.

"But I want to also take the ones who are going to make the trade, to the celestial world really quick. Is that OK Master? " Loke asked.

"It is fine. And since we are doing something different, we will have two new teams.

Team A, that will commence the trade, will be Natsu, Erza, Gray, Luna, and Sting.

Team B, will be on standby in case something goes wrong. Those members will be Laxus, Mira, Rouge, Gajeel, and Elfman.

The rest will stay back and protect the guild in case they want to try a sneak attack. " the Master explained.

"Good. Now Team A will come with me to the Celestial realm." Loke said before responding us away.


Did you like this chapter? I don't know of I did. I think it is kind of everywhere and is just a mess. I needed to update though so I hope it's good. Sorry for any spelling and grammar errors. Auto correct is very cruel.

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