Shopping with Mai

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So in their (and my) university, 1 is +, 2 is just the grade and 3 is - so like A1 = A+. A2 = A. A3 = A-.

So I got a B3, a C2 and an F1 (which is a thing here, as it happens) in my 1A essags. That's okay, apparently most people average a C at this level, simply because they're adjusting to the demands of university and have room to experiment and make mistakes. Akefia says that's just the tutor trying to make us feel better, and he got the same speech when he was my age. "Oh wait, you're older than me!" He laughs at my expense. I never should have told him my age, 'give him a reason to trust you' my ass!

"Well What did you get?" I groan, rolling my eyes. This is so infuriating. Yet another separation between Akefia and I, that he's so far ahead compared to me. That he's already been where I am, and knows so much more.

"I got a B+, and two C-. So like a B- average," he shrugs casually, but his fingers tremble a little as he throws - not tosses - his phone onto his bed, voice dipping with reluctance at each word. Is he disappointed? It was just his 4A essays, he still has the final exam and entirety of 4B to change his grade.

"What about you, Melvin?" I ask. Melvin is staring at his emails, expressionless except the pulsating veins surrounding his face.

"A B, a B+ and a D+," he scoffs a little and laughs. "Weird combo,"

"Agreed," Akefia nods. "Well as the asshole who got the highest average you can choose what we watch tonight," over the past week I've grown closer to the two. Since Melvin has the biggest room with the most floor space, we spend time in there. I wish I could be alone with Akefia more often, maybe I will now uni has started back up and I've been skipping my lectures more - where I got the inspiration for that from I can only wonder. Melvin chooses a stupid show with quips and dialogue that confuses Akefia and I, but that he likes. I will never understand Akefia - he gets annoyed at the slightest inconvenience but will spend hours watching a confusing, disappointment of a show without objecting to keep Melvin smiling.


The next morning, as term time has finally finished, I bound down to Akefia's room. Thankfully his door is open and I stride in. He's on his bed, facing away from me but awake, chest rising and falling in a rhythm soothing to watch. I've been working up the nerves, now I don't have essays to worry about, to talk to him. Properly talk to him, and give him a reason to trust me. I'm forcing myself to be serious right now. Repeat - serious. I will not laugh at his red Slytherin pyjamas even if they are a total oxymoron and make no sense.

"Morning Akefia," I greet, sitting on my spot at the edge of his bed. He just groans in reply and doesn't move, face concealed by his too-extra hair.

"What do you want? It's too early!" He complains.

"To talk," I explain firmly.

"You couldn't wait?"

"No, not really," I admit with a nervous sigh, already feeling my motivation drain. He sits up, staring me dead in the eye, just as serious as me now, but it seems easier for him as goofy as he (secretly) is. "It's important. I mean, to me it's important, that you know me,"

That you trust me.

He just sits there staring at me, expressionless, and I internally beg him to say something and quit keeping me in suspense. "I like you when you're quiet," finally.

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